About Forest School Camps

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FSC is not a commercial holiday company, it is an educational charity, a voluntary organisation. All our officers and staff are unpaid volunteers.

Forest School, which ran in the 1930s, drew its philosophy from progressive educators, from the Woodcraft movements and the Native Americans, from Quakers and others. Special importance was attached to the experience of boys and girls, children and adults, learning to work and play together close to nature.

FSC began in 1948 when former pupils and staff came together, anxious to develop and pass on the ways and values of Forest School which by then had closed.

Our education is about discovering for oneself how to do something, rather than being told in the abstract. Children and staff find themselves in situations that encourage this; the outdoors demands and encourages learning.

We remove unnecessary authority and, with due regard for safety and legality, encourage children to take responsibility and to reach their own decisions on small and not-so-small issues, individually or as members of a group.

At camp we aim to teach ourselves how to live with independence and responsibility; concern and care for ourselves, other people and the environment; resourcefulness and self-confidence; tolerance and respect. FSC is determined that all people be treated equally regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion and disability. These are high ideals - we don't always succeed.

A Native American belief is that you will only be in touch with nature if you 'sit and sleep on the earth'. This feeling for the wholeness of life on our planet is expressed in some of our rituals and the names we give things at camp.

The philosophy developed at camp is practised throughout the administrative organisation of FSC. When you enrol your children you become a part of FSC and this approach. Many staff members begin their association with FSC as parents or campers.

Camp is great fun, though at a practical level it can also be cold and wet, and is often dirty. Despite this, many people camp again and again and again. Join us to find out why!


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