135th Itinerary Meeting...

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135th Itinerary Meeting of (Hungarian) National Forestry Association is organised by Kisalföld Forestry Inc. in 2004.

Programs will be held on July 2-3, on Rábaköz, Kapuvár, Göbösmajor territories of KAEG Inc. . Topics will be focusing on "Hungarian Forestry in the European Union". On he first day professional demonstrations take place at Kemenesalja, in Hanság and Rábaköz areas, with a friendly meeting to close the day at Csapod-Göbösmajor eco-touristic centre. There a photo of the nearly 600 participants is to be taken.
Kapuvár awaits the assembly on the second day.

The four field and site programs are as follows:
1) The decade's river the Rába: ( Silvicultural issues at Kemenesalja)
The geographical position of the Rába (origin, length , natural bed, regulations, Kis- Rába canal and the Rábca river will be detailed, and the Hanság moorland, Rábaköz area with the major towns, Kapuvár and Csorna.
The Rába river (past and present) will be introduced by water-management experts, and problems of forestry management will also be involved with special concern on silviculture.
Flood reports in the news call special attention to topic.
The program will end at Szilsárkány to pay respect to the birthplace of Ferenc Kiss, the famous Hungarian, who planted trees on the Great Plain.

2) Intensive wildlife management (Introduction of Göbös wild boar park)
The park was developed on 300 ha, in 1999, having three parts, such as for :hunting, breeding and quarantine. Solo and party shooting can be held there. The annual bags are 80-100 wild boars. To maintain progeny exterior (to the park) captures are also applied. Hunting guns, rifles, and game alarms will be on show, and a unique postcard display on hunting scenes of the beginning of 20th century are to make the program more interesting.
A kopjafa (wooden headboard originally on tombs) will be set up at Göbösmajor to finish and remember the day.

3) Leés forest
Visitors can see the Esterhasy palace, which is a fine representative of 18th century Hungarian baroque and rococo style and a shiny star of Hungarian cultural life of the period, lighting as far as Europe's farther corners. The Hungarian Versaille as it was also called is conneted to the name of Miklós Fényes Esterhasy, its landlord in the baroque era (1765-1780). With palaces of smaller size in the nearby region (Csapod, Röjtök, Lesvár) it formed a perfect unity.
The park round the palace is a magnificent sight for visitors having incomparable rides with woody and herbaceous plants and a chinese house (Bagatelle) .
Having seen the palace, the program continues in the forest park.
In the end a memorial plaque will be placed on the house where Prof. László Adamovich, respected scientist at the University British Columbia and also on the faculty of forestry at Sopron University of West Hungary was born.

4) Habitat reconstruction and intensive improved poplar growth in Hanság moors (local connections of nature protection and forestry management)

Reconstruction of watery habitats of Fertő-Hanság National Park will be demonstrated as far as the main canal. In the meantime specialists of the Park will detail the management's work and achievements in nature protection. Over the Wentlager bridge, visitors can reach the Hanságfalva district of North- Hanság Forestry where improved poplar growth can be seen..
The whole range of soil preparation technology will be in operation, such as Valtra Seppi-midiforst cut -cleaner adapter, Mamut (mammoth) 120 DT tractor with Elletar stump- drill, as well as operations of deep soil turning and trenching by Dresser caterpillar with the PPU 50A-3/10 plough.

Silt control will be shown using a Volvo EC 150-c dredger. Also tending with NT-6 discs driven by DT-75 tractor can be seen and if weather permits, thinning with Bobcat logger and piler will be operating as well.

Welcome to all participants


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