Mr Jonas Lantz, Managing Director of the company "J. Lantz Skogsv?rd", says that his company that is doing clearing and planting has problems to find employees staying for more than one season. Swedes want to learn more qualified jobs as forest machine drivers or forestry officers and it is easy to find employees for this kind of work. In the future there will be no labour market in Sweden for simple forestry jobs, and so Jonas Lantz is looking for labour from abroad. Today he has 60 workers during high season, which lasts for about six months. Most of them are Poles.
- If we could not find labour for clearing and planting, the entire forest industry would suffer. My company is not an exception. The pulp manufacturing company SCA, for example, has 600 workers doing this kind of jobs in company’s forests and 500 of them come from other countries. This is the current situation we have to live with.