So far forest based biomass mainly consist of branches, tree tops, bark and firewood. If exploitation of forest biomass is to expand, also stumps become interesting as a source of raw material. However, the Swedish Forest Agency demands that first of all one must undertake an analysis of the ecological consequences, as well as a general evaluation of pros end cons and the risks involved in stump extraction on a grand scale.
The Swedish Energy Agency, the forest industry and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences will invest 38 million SEK (4 million €) in a research programme in order to have by 2010 the basic knowledge required for a more in depth environmental analysis.
The purpose of the research programme is to form the basis of recommendations concerning the most suitable forest soils for environmental friendly stump extraction. The programme will also clarify how to avoid disturbances of the ground.
Stumps contain more than 20 % of all biomass of coniferous trees, says the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The university will make an extensive investigation and invest in research to find out the positive as well as the negative consequences of stump extraction.