Representatives from FAO, UNFF, the CBD and other organizations made presentations addressing regional forestry commissions and forest biodiversity, and lessons from Central and Meso-America on integrating forest biodiversity considerations into regional cooperation. Participants then identified challenges and opportunities for improving the linkages between the international policy agenda and relevant regional processes and initiatives for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity (IISDRS Sources;
In other UNFF news, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolution on the adoption of the Non-Legally Binding Instrument on All Types of Forests is now available. Along with the adoption of the Instrument, the resolution invites member organizations of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests to implement the Instrument and governments, financial institutions and others to contribute to the UNFF Trust Fund. The resolution further states that the UNFF will carry out an assessment of the Instrument when reviewing the overall effectiveness of the international arrangement on forests. The Instrument, which was adopted by UNGA on 17 December 2007, is annexed to the resolution ( ).