The Draft Work Programme was elaborated with the aim to put the ministerial commitments into action through five programme elements: Sustainable Forest Management and Climate Change, Wood Mobilisation and Sound Use of Wood, Multiple Forest Ecosystem Services, induding Forests and Water, Regional-Global Cooperation and Partnership, and Cross-Cutting Activities.
All these elements provide a challenge for the scientific community to contribute, in the spirit of Warsaw Dedaration, to bet ter use scientific knowledge and research results relevant to forests and the forest sector as a sound basis for decision making. Examples of topics where research results are needed to support decision making include e.g. forests and climate change, induding forest fires, water and forests, sound use of wood with issues related to fiber availability or legality aspects.
The Work Programme opens alsó the deliberations on new and innovative forms and strategic directions for future policy cooperation in Europe. This is done in terms of e.g. exploring options for a legally binding agreement in the pan-European region, and reviewing the MCPFE process by the sixth ministerial conference.
llpo Tikkanen
Programme Manager of EFI's Research Programme Poliqi Analysis, represented EFI at ELM.
More than 90 experts representing 55 del-egations convened to the 1" Expert Level Meeting (ELM) of the MCPFE after the Warsaw Summit in May 7-8, 2008. The ELM, hosted by the Liaison Unit Oslo, discussed the Draft Work Programme of General Coordinating Committee (CCC), based on the high-level political commit-ments made ín Warsaw.