Considering that nearly 80 % of all existing data do have a geographic reference, it is worth to learn more about them.
The integration of the MS Virtual Earth software technology into the PROGIS WinGIS Geographic Information-Systems and applications brings the following advantages and benefits for all user groups:
1. Each WinGIS-project can be developped and visualized on Virtual Earth Data
2. Virtual Earth raster AND vector information become one layer in
WinGIS or in
AGROffice GIS and AGROffice GIS professional or in
agricultural advisory solutions
regional agricultural expert projects or
countrywide solutions.
3. With our AX-WinGIS component software developers can easily integrate a GIS and Virtual Earth into their application
4. Virtual Earth data use is price competitive for many applications.
If the Virtual Earth resolution is precise enough
1) there is no need for the procurement of geo-data (which is sometimes long lasting and very expensive)
2) and any project may be started immediately, as the procurement process for geo-data becomes obsolete.
3) In many cases imported GPS data or other vector data can also abolish lower resolution rasterdata.
You don’t have to be a GIS-expert to benefit from these features – you may be a supplier or vendor, or a service provider, advisor or banker, you may be working in the fields of agricultural and/or forest infrastructure or telecommunications, in education or health services or you might be a doctor who wants to visualize where your patients live and what is the relation between illnes and environment, etc.
We will present the individual systems at the following events and encourage you to participate:
March 09-10 GIL-Tagung 2009 - Rostock
April 07 ESA Investment Forum - La Hulpe near Brussels
April 29 – May 01 The Africa International Soft Commodities 2009 – London
please click here to downlaod the invitation, price-list and registration form
May 06-08 IST-Africa Conference and Exhibition – Kampala/Uganda
May 12-13 PROGIS annual International Conference - a joint EUROGI, INSPIRE, CAGI, PROGIS -conference,
Prague/CZ – Please click here to download the tentative program
May 14-15 GI2009 Symposium – Dresden