Traditionally the European private forest owners have marked the start of the holiday season by greening Brussels with a Christmas tree. Mrs. Mariann Fischer-Boel, the Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development decorated the tree together with CEPF President Mr. Christer Segerstéen. “It is a privilege for us forest owners to maintain such an excellent tradition, at the same time being a part of a cultural heritage of Europe. It is also an opportunity to highlight the importance of forests in shaping the future of the European Union. Especially now, when facing the climate change” added Mr. Segerstéen, referring to the Climate change debate in Copenhagen.
About 200 members of staff of the DG Agriculture and Rural Development took part in the event. The Commissioner thanked all for their contribution in overcoming challenges together. Special Christmas milk products were sponsored by the MIV and helped to conclude the year on a festive note.
The event highlights the solid cooperation between the family forest owners and the European institutions. Both parties expressed their best wishes for the holiday season as well as enhanced collaboration in 2010.