21-03-2017 - ngoforestcoalition.org
Over one billion people depend on forests for their livelihoods - including 300 million indigenous people.
Forests are home to 80% of the world's land based species, and harbour enormous genetic resources.
Halting deforestation, and implementing widespread forest restoration and reforestation, could provide important contributions towards the emission reductions needed to avoid dangerous climate change.
Poor governance of forests can lead to human rights violations, displacement of peoples, criminality – e.g. illegal trade in wildlife and timber, and conflict.
We are working together, alongside others including civil society organisations, Governments, and the private sector, to push for strong policies, actions, and funding, which address the problems; and to find sustainable and just solutions.
The United Kingdom has long been a world leader in the fight against the destruction of forests and biodiversity loss, the promotion of
sustainable and legal trade in forest products, and the securing of jobs and tenure for local people to uphold their rights and reduce poverty.
The national and global importance of maintaining this leadership role has never been greater.