12-10-2020 - As of Monday, October 12 the Annual Report of the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) can be ordered from the EOS Secretariat.
Brussels, 12thOctober–The yearlypublication of EOS is the reference publication for any stakeholder in thesawmill industry and an important text for the wider forest-based industries. The Annual Report is usually published in June, but this year EOS has decided to postpone its publication until October in order to incorporate the massive impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the sawmill industry. “At the beginning of the year markets were very positive but this was brought to a sharp end in March when the first lockdowns happened in Europe. The coronavirus outbreak hit very unevenly Europe. In countries where the economy was more resilient –such as Scandinavia and Germany –and where the construction market held up better than expected, the sawmill industry has been navigating the crisis quite well. Some segments, such as the DIY sector and home improvement did actually very well as people spent more time at home. Other countries, such as theUK and Southern Europe had a much harder time with construction markets being more severely impacted and sawmills in some cases forced to suspend operations” as reported in the EOS President foreword.One of the sections which readers will be particularly interested in is surely the data collection from the members of EOS. It contains updated data on production, trade and consumption of sawn softwood and sawn hardwood, as well as a plethora of interesting facts&figures about the European sawmill industry as impacted by the coronavirus crisis.As usual, the reportalsocontains an exhaustive overview of the EOS advocacy activities in Brussels and beyond as well as many interesting special focuses on topics of interest to the European sawmill industry.The EOS President and the EOS Team take the opportunity to thankall EOS Members for their continuous support and commitment to our Organisation. Each single achievement is the result of theirremarkable collaboration.Finally, the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry would like to express deepest gratitude to the 2020 Annual Report sponsors. EOS is extremely appreciative of your contribution