Dear Railway Fans,

Hungary in 15-16.01.2005.
Freight train will run from Csömödér to Lenti by an Mk48 diesel engine, it
will follow other passanger train for the photographers (it will run by a
C-50 locomotive). Trains will start from Csömödér at 12.45.
A special passenger train will goes to the line of Szilvágy (this is the
northest line of the narrow-gauge railway network, it's without passenger traffic) with photostops. Train will run by a C-50 engine and it will start from Csömödér at 9.00.
Ticket is 2500 HUF (~10 EUR), it is vailed for both days.
Accomodations: these are pansions at Páka (2 km far from Csömödér) and Lenti (8 km), prices usually are 1500-2500 HUF/person/night (1 EUR = ~250 HUF). We try to manage a cheaper accomodation for the school of Csömödér (you need a sleeping bag and a mattress for this), I hope I will be able to tell more about this projekt in the first week of January.
Registration, more information:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Illés Fodor
Assotiation for Narrow Gauge Railways
Budapest, Hungary