Annotated agenda (June 1-3, 2005)
1. Welcome and introduction
The Chairman will inform the members of the Committee about the participation of observers from acceding countries in meetings of the Standing Forestry Committee.
2. Adoption of the draft agenda
3. Follow-up of the Communication on the implementation of the EU Forestry Strategy, COM (2005) 84 final
Following the presentation of the Commiunication to the Council and the European Parliament on the implementation of the EU Forestry Strategy, the Commission would like to discuss with the members of the Standing Forestry Committee the follow-up of the Communication, in particular the preparation of an EU Forest Action Plan. Two main issues should be address to this meeting:
- Sttucture of the EU Forest Action Plan;
- Procedure for developing the Action Plan;
Background documents for the meeting:
- Reflection document prepared by DG AGRI (Doc/88SFC/3)
- COM (2005) 84 final
— Draft Council Conclusions (to be sent to the members of the SFC as soon as they are adopted by the Council)
- Council Resolution of 15 December 1998 on a forestty strategy for the European Union.
- Council Decision of 29 May 1989 setting up a Standing Forestry Committee
4. Presentation of the European Forest Sector Outlook Study (EFSOS)
Mr. C. Prins (Chief, Timber Branch UNECE) will present to the members of the Standing Forestry Committee the main cünclusions of the above-mentioned stüdy, which has béén retently published.
The srndy can be downloaded from the following address: http://www.uiiece.oru/trade/timber/efsos/
5. Preparation of tbe EU Biomiss Action Plan
Mr. K. Maniatis (Head of Unit, DG TREN D.2) with inform the Committee about (he current state of affairs concerűing the preparation of the EU Biomass Action Plan, with special reference tó aspects related tó forest biomass. The members of the Committee will be invited to coniment on the issue
Relevant background infonnation on the preparatoo work is available at the following address:
6. Presentation of experiences of wood bioenergy use in Luxembourg
The Luxembourg member of the Standing Forestry Committee will present an overview of their activities in this field.
7. Miscellaneous
France has requested that the Cormnittee consider the inclusion of the issue of forests and the Kyoto Protocol in a future meeting of the SFC. An explanatory note has been prepared by FR. (Doc/88SFC/7),
The chairman will inform the members of the Committee of the date of the next meeting.
Representatives of Hungary are Mr. Andreas Klemencsics and Mr. Andreas Szepesi.