Those tigers from Indian Sundarbans who migrate to the bigger part of the world's biggest mangrove forest on the Bangladesh side are also poached there, the group reported, questioning recent claim by the West Bengal authorities that there are about 250 tigers at present.
According to Times News Network report from New Delhi, the West Bengal forest department recently claimed to have 250 tigers and assured their growth.
The claim was supported by the ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) and Project Tiger officials, who even boasted of having "photographs of all 250 tigers".
Specialists said, "The situation doesn't support the claim." A tiger requires 35 to 40 kg meat per week or seven to eight kg per day.
Its general food, a full-grown spotted deer(Axis axis), weighs about 15 kg. About 30 per cent of its flesh a tiger can't consume. That means a tiger can live hardly two days on a full-grown spotted deer or 15 of them a month or 250 deer a year.
Going by the state's claim, 250 tigers need about 62,500 deer a year in the park. All deer are not of equal weight.
Deer breeding ratio is determined by a one-male-and-four-females unit, that is four deer calves a year from a male deer.
Experts say, "Even if we trust the state's claim of releasing 40,000 deer every year, tigers will have to wait for about six months to get the next feed. The fact is: the state doesn't release even that number of deer."
Sundarbans tigers are known to live on fishes and other animals. Man-tiger conflicts are also rampant, though humans are not in its food-chain, until a tiger turns a maneater.
Experts said, "A tiger requires nine sq km area for living. As human intervention is growing in the protected 2,585 sq km area of the Tiger Reserve, space is not enough to sustain 250 plus tigers. Figures are fudged."
A szudarbani tigrisekről köztudott, hogy hallal és más állatokkal is táplálkoznak. Az ember-tigris konfiliktus ritka, az ember nem tartozik a tigrisek táplálékláncába, amíg az emberevővé nem válik. A szakértők azt mondják, egy tigrisnek 9 négyzetkilométer élettérre van szüksége. Ahogy nő az emberi beavatkozás a védett, 2585 négyzetkilométeres tigris rezervátum területén, a terület nem elég 250 tigris fenntartásához. A számadatok hamisak.
The group's intelligence report has been supported by a world-class NGO working in the state. "Don't mention us in report, or the state government won't allow us to work there. Tigers are being poached in full knowledge of rangers, guards and villagers."
Poacher Naimuddin is active and is helped by forest officials. Everybody has some kind of interests in tiger poaching.
Villagers, who don't have a standard source of income, are the basic killers, for money.
They trap tigers and kill by poisoning or shooting at close range, for only Rs 100 per tiger