During the late 1960s, several factors kept the elk herd below its biological potential for population growth, including reduced habitat quality. The herd also was hard hit by poaching. There were about only 200 elk in the winter of 1975.
In the late 1970s, renewed public interest in the elk herd was spurred by oil exploration in the Pigeon River area of the elk range. Reduced poaching losses, habitat improvement and successful management of hydrocarbon development resulted in an increase in elk numbers to 850 by 1984.
As the herd grew, problems also increased with forest and agricultural damage. To bring the herd in better balance with its natural food supplies and with the needs of landowners, elk hunting resumed in 1984. Biologists estimated the January 2005 population to be between 800-900 animals. This goal is a winter herd of 800 to 900 elk.