Speaking to a group of 150 key forest industry stakeholders yesterday in Canberra, Mr Martin Ferguson AM, MP, Opposition Spokesperson for forestry, outlined the Australian Labor Party's perspective on national forestry issues. Mr Ferguson said that Australia is fortunate to have some of the best foresters in the world working to maintain our forest assets in perpetuity.
"Foresters who are committed to providing good conservation outcomes and maintaining a viable forest resource for industry for the long haul using practices and technology that stand up with the best in the world," said Mr Ferguson.
Mr Ferguson also attacked the Greens Party for politicising environmental issues.
"The Greens are a political movement chasing votes like any other party. The campaign being run by the Greens is aimed at capturing votes, it has nothing to do with the environment or sustainability, and above all, it is dishonest," he said.
Mr Ferguson also gave his endorsement to the Australian Forestry Standard
(AFS) and value adding industries.
"The Australian Labor Party supports the Tasmanian Community Forest Agreement and it supports the development of a world class pulp mill in Tasmania," he said.
NAFI's Chief Executive Officer, Catherine Murphy, said the speech was well received by industry.
"It is heartening for the forest industries to hear that a well balanced, sensible approach towards forestry has been adopted by the ALP," said Mrs Murphy.
"We particularly welcome Mr Ferguson's appreciation of the need for Australia to become more self sufficient in providing its own timber resources," she said.
"It is important that State Labor takes notice of their Federal colleagues and start taking a more scientific approach to State forestry issues.
Workshop 2005 <http://www.nafi.com.au/workshop2005.html/>
Future Forests:
NAFI thanks all delegates for their attendance to our workshop and 20th Anniversary Dinner, both of which were held in Canberra on the 30th of November 2005.
Presentations/transcripts/related documents of presenters
Session 1 - Skills shortages in the forest and forest products sector: A better frame work for education and training Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald, Minister for Fisheries, Forestry and Conservation <http://www.nafi.com.au/workshop2005/macdonald.pdf>
Brendan Mulhall, Director and Principal, BMA Consulting <http://www.nafi.com.au/workshop2005/Brendan%20Mulhall.ppt>
Michael Hartman, Chief Executive Officer, FAFPESC <http://www.nafi.com.au/workshop2005/Michael%20Hartman.ppt>
Session 2 - Clever building?: The impact on the timber industry of energy Senator the Hon Ian Campbell, Minister for Heritage and the Environment <http://www.nafi.com.au/workshop2005/fivestar.pdf>
Dr Terry Williamson, Associate Professor of the School of Architecture at the University <http://www.nafi.com.au/workshop2005/Terry%20Williamson.ppt>
of Adelaide
Elizabeth Crouch, Senior Executive Director, Building Services and Planning, HIA Mr Martin Ferguson AM MP, Opposition Spokesperson for Forestry <http://www.nafi.com.au/workshop2005/ferguson.pdf>
Session 3 - Research, development and innovation: Our future industry Diane Tregoning, Chief Executive Officer, Black Forest Timbers <http://www.nafi.com.au/workshop2005/Diane%20Tregoning.ppt>
Dr Stephen Walker, Executive Director, Australian Research Council <http://www.nafi.com.au/workshop2005/Steven%20Walker.ppt>
Dr Rick Ede, Director, Ensis Investment <http://www.nafi.com.au/workshop2005/Rick%20Ede.ppt>
Session 4 - Rural and regional communities: People, power, politics Michael O'Connor, National Assistant Secretary, CFMEU Forestry Division Jacki Schirmer, Former scientist at the Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS) <http://www.nafi.com.au/workshop2005/Jacki%20Schirmer.ppt>
Session 5 - Looking Forward: MAjor issues affecting the forestry industry Tony Bartlett, General Manager Forest Industries, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry <http://www.nafi.com.au/workshop2005/Tony%20Bartlett.ppt>