A computer in the driver's cabin is connected to a system that regulates tire pressure under way.
The big problem for timber trucks is all those forest gravel roads that regularly suffer from thawing of frozen ground in the spring so that roads can only carry reduced timber loads. Roads may also be completely closed for traffic.
Forest companies must store the timber in the forest while waiting for the roads to become trafficable. Damage from freezing disturbs logistics.
Mr Paul Granlund at Skogforsk, the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden in Uppsala, says that damage from freezing results in annual losses of about 40 million euro for the forestry sector.
He manages a three year research project where the Canadian CTI-system - Central Tire Inflation - is tested on twelve timber trucks on Swedish forest roads. The practical tests are concluded and a final report will be presented in June next year.
Hauling vehicles can compact and rut soils in wetlands. Spreading the weight of vehicles over a larger surface area can reduce these impacts.
Equipment with central tire inflation allows an operator to vary the inflation of a vehicle’s tires while it is moving. By reducing inflation, the operator can increase the tire “footprint.” This reduces the vehicle’s pressure on the ground.
Where Used
Equipment with central tire inflation is used to cross roads with weak soils
A commercial vendor must install central tire inflation technology. Once installed, the operator can easily adjust the tire inflation pressure to meet the needs of the driving surface.
Central tire inflation technology allows quick adjustment for changing conditions. Because central tire inflation improves traction, it can operate on low-quality haul roads and steep grades. It can reduce tire wear. Vehicles with central tire inflation have relatively low environmental impacts (such as rutting) on wetlands and roads.
This technology is expensive and cannot be installed by the operator. However, the expense can be offset somewhat with lower costs. For example, road building and repair or vehicle repair costs may be lower. The operator must know how to use the technology, or there may be added wear on the tires.
No special maintenance is needed.