We would like to thank all the foresters who believed the possibility of EFOL in Latvia in 1994 and through their participance have studied the forestry in different European countries. In 2005 EFOL returns to Latvia. This time it's in Western part - on the coast of the Baltic sea which is mainly covered with pine trees, in a economically and sportly active, guests friendly town with a hostory and a future - Ventspils.
The public organization "Forest sports" is responsible for organizing the 12th EFOL. The organization supports initiating of and participance in different competitions that represent the interests of foresters, as well as popularizes the importance of forestry in society. This can happen with a help of it's members and financial supporters. We will valve the results of 12th EFOL as successful if there will be an increase of amount of participants, organizations and countries that will be taking part in this and future EFOL events. We have started accomplishing this task by informing everyone about what we have achieved during this preparation period and by sending you the invitation to the 12th EFOL.