Art Days in the Mátra Hills - Hungary
29 June - 07 July 2013 Mission:
Day by day in our accelerated world we tend to feel the destruction of spirit and nature. More and more people try to put an end to these worrying social and natural processes. Artists fight against spiritual impoverishment, woodsmen and environmentalists for the preservation of nature. Now artists and woodsmen have united with those fearing Hungary’s cultural life and the condition of woods. The main aim is to establish such an active, free time activity which closely connects music and nature with tourists, children and the inhabitants of the area. Let us breathe in the fresh air of the woods, enjoy and take delight in its beauties and let our spirit soar free. All who take part in our series of programmes get closer to arts and nature as well. Music helps with spreading consciousness of our environment while the woods give an opportunity for people to understand how important arts are.
Lajos Szabó
Forestry engineer
29 June Opening ceremony–Mátraalmás
9.00 The Music of the Forest orienteering competition
Information: Imre Urbán 30/525-7620 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
11.00 The Music of the Forest orienteering walking trip
Information and entry: Péter Simon 30/2747057
13.00 A forest walking trip to Werbőczy spring with Dr György Csóka
Meeting on the main square of Mátraalmás
Puppet theatre for kids on the Music of the Forest field
Unveiling a monument at the Music of the Forest oak tree
Forest concert: Musica Mansueta Chamber Orchestra
Conductor: Gergely Ménesi, (artistic leader: Katalin Szabó Matin)
Village catering: Cimbali Band
30 June Szentkút
Meeting of choirs
Balassagyarmati Dalegylet
Cantus Corvinus Mixed Choir
A forest trip to Remete cave
Start: find the logo of Music of the Forest
Topic: Eco-system in the forest, sustainable silviculture
1 July Ipolytarnócz
Walking trips with experts
Under the leafy boughs path (continuously)
Miocen forest with prehistoric creatures (every hour)
Geological path (from 9.30 to 16.00 every hour)
The message of ancient fur trees (10am and 2pm)
Prehistoric journey (4D cinema, you have to pay)
During the day:
Craftsmen’s and local farmers’ market:
Honey, sheep’s milk cheese, smoked products, jam, syrup, wine, pálinka
Craft activities for kids
Music programmes:
Words of welcome by Szilárd Grédics, Director of Bükk National Park
Opening fanfare
A hunting horn concert
An ancient tone under the leafy boughs – Sándor Homolai didgeridoo artist
A forest concert in the ditch with junipers
Salgótarján Symphonic Orchestra
Artistic leader: Tibor Tóth
Tasting local dishes (goulash Palóc style, laska, etc.)
02. July Fajzatpuszta
Village museum (31 Dobó Street)
Visiting a wine cellar – the longest cellar in Central Europe: Haller cave
A forest walking trip, meeting point is at Mansion Fajzatpuszta
Topic: The triple function of the forest: The tree as a renewing source of energy
making musical instruments (for kids Rita Varnyu)
Mansion at Fajzatpuszta, chapel
Dr Richard Asbóth’s (owner) lecture: “Almásy, Scultéty, Ahsbahs, Wollmann, Perry. The story of our families-European continuity in a Hungarion mansion.”
An evening concert: Orosz Zoltán, harmonica
Village catering in the village of winemakers
Edina Balog and friends, folk band
Moldovian dance house
03 July Szurdokpüspöki
Exhibition of the Music of the Forest talent camp in the Village House
A forest walking trip to Jutka spring
Forest concert
Balázs Szokolay Dongó and friends and the participants of the talent camp
Village catering by the row of cellars
04 July Bátonyterenye (Kisterenye)
Exhibition at the Gyürky-Solymossy Castle
The story of the garden of the castle
A short walk with Dr András Szomszéd
Meeting at the entrance of the castle
Memorial exhibition of István Szabó sculptor
Fabók Mancsi’s puppet theatre for all ages
Concert among the ancient giant trees
Szeredi Krisztina, singer with a pianist
Village catering
05. July Mátrafüred/Mátraháza
Opening of Gyenes Emese’s (painter) exhibition
A forest walking trip with an expert, from Mátrafüred, where the small train arrives to Máriácska. Topic: Environmental treasures of Mátra forests and their conservation
The Music of the Forest bike trip
Mazsola muzsika (music for children)
Under the oak trees of Hotel Ózon
Forest music by the spring Máriácska
Campus Trombone Quartett
Tasting the best wines of the Mátras in a cosy atmosphere
19.00 Jókai Anna at the forest-festival
06. July Pásztó-Mátrakeresztes
The Music of the Forest walking trip
information, entry:
Parádi László: 06-30-686-8995 e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Museum of Pásztó and Oskolamester House
A bronze age walk (an educational trip with art)
opening of a fine art exhibition
How are wooden spoons made? Presentation of how this manufacture works.
A forest concert at Lake Békás
Village catering
Muzsla Folkdance group
07 July Tar-Fenyvespuszta
Forest trip with experts
from Fenyvespuszta (3km circletrip)
from Tar to Fenyvespuszta (7km, 12.30-15.00)
Meeting point: Tar village, by Szent Mihály church. Introduction of the church.
from Mátraszentistván to Fenyvespuszta
opening of the exhibition of local crafsmen
15.00-18.00 Welcome at the monument
Lajkó Félix, violin artist
Vasvári Csaba, actor
Illényi Katica with a symphonic orchestra
Kertész József, forester-reader
A walk in Tuzson Arboretum with Vámos Károly, forester
Meeting some of our good old performers
for kids: at the Tuzson Arboretum by the cedar tree
Puppet show in the forest
Making pottery
The presents of the forest – magical tree (Szabó Miklós)
“The Forest is playing Music” fanfare from three pieces of rock
Village catering
Evening of forest dishes: wine tasting Kaló style
Múzslai Fakanálforgatők
Further information:
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
“Muzsikál az Erdő” Foundation account number: 11741055-20011033
Tax number: 18642036-1-12
Please give generously.
Dear Participants! We believe there is no bad weather only bad clothing. We are looking forward to see you at our programmes. See you there.
Lajos Szabó
Engineer of forestry
Chairman of „The Forest is Playing Music” Foundation