The New Vásárhelyi Plan: A New Tisza Will Be Born (ForestPress)

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ImagePrompted by the results of extensive, careful preparatory studies, the government has adopted on the 15th of October, 2003 a decision on the most ambitious rural development program of past decades.

According thereto, in Stage I of the new Vásárhelyi Plan (abbreviated in Hungarian as VTT), which covers the period terminating with 2007, six emergency reservoirs would be built along the Upstream- and Middle Tisza sections to enhance the level of flood safety in the region. The program reflects a new government philosophy, in that it takes as far as possible into consideration the interests of environmental protection and nature conservation.

Implementation of Stage I has been shown to be less expensive and more effective than the traditional emergency measures of flood fighting. The costs of the emergency reservoirs have been estimated at 50, those of clearing the river bed at 15 billion (thousand million) HUF (EUR 6 million). For rural development and infrastructure expansion projects HUF 65 billion (EUR 26 million) have been earmarked, the total cost of Stage I amounting thus to HUF 130 billion. From the 2004 budget HUF 6 billion (EUR 2,4 million) have been appropriated for starting work on flood control improvements.
The government expects EU support to cover one fourth of the costs. The government has also instructed the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to draft the rules according to which the necessary properties can be made available.

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