12 September 2016 - Late summer annuals contribute a pleasant warmth, took place between September 8-9 the Transylvanian Félix-bath Consilva the Romanian forest confederation directed to the CEF (Council of European Foresters - http://www.ceforg.eu/members ) meeting, in which eight European countries were represented and sports expert delegation.
The hosts outside Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Serbia, France, Croatia, Hungary, Moldova, Turkey, Ukraine, specialists and sportsmen attended the meeting.
At the opening ceremony the morning of September 8, took place at the International Hotel in the park. On the stage delegations and leaders of the host countries welcomed the invited participants.
First, Marian Stoicescu, chairman of the Consilva welcomed the participants.
On behalf of the Romanian Environment Minister, Silvio Geoana read out greetings.
The Minister emphasized the message that forests are an important element of environmental policy. Their role in the evolution of society's well-being and development of the forestry companies.
On behalf of the host forestry, ROMSILVA Bihor Forestry Directorate Director, Adrian Florescu greeted the participants.
The Banja Luka University Forestry Faculty Dean, dr. Zoran Govedari represented Bosnia and Herzegovina/Serbia, and greeted the audience.
On behalf of the Croatian delegation Gordana Colnar Forestry Trade Union of Croatia, retired chairwoman thanked for the invitation.
On behalf of the Moldovan delegation Dumitru Galupa greeted the participants.
The Ukrainian delegation as head Yurii Tunytsia Yuriovych, the Ukrainian National Forestry University rector delivered congratulatory speeches. With regard to climate change, it pointed out that the forest is an important component of the environment.
The Hungarian delegation leader, Peter Dudas, president of the EFDSZ stressed the great pleasure to participate in experts and athletes CEF/Consilva meeting. He said that Hungary held sports meetings since 20 years, every year in different locations, and we also strive to broaden the internationalization of the event. The Romanian colleagues have been involved in the tournament, and the last time they won the football championship, which once again congratulated. Finally, the experts do a good job, good athletes want to compete.
On behalf of the Turkish delegation Osman Devrim Elvan thanked the organizers.
Liviu Judea, the Consilva Bihar county chairman informed the audience that the lobby organized by Zoltan Gardo Oradea photographer Eurofotoart exhibition of nature photography can be viewed and book launch can be seen. (Zé)