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Supporting LULUCF from space

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Wednesday 30 November, 18:00-20:00 in Churchill River room

The European Space Agency has pleasure in inviting you to the
UNFCCC COP 11 Side Event: Supporting LULUCF from space
The conference will take place from 28 November to 9 December 2005 at the Palais des Congr?s de Montréal.

An increasing number of countries are working with ESA to use satellite images as input for the reporting:

Denmark – France – Germany – Greece – Indonesia – Italy – Poland – South Africa – Spain –Switzerland – The Netherlands

Some national cases will be illustrated during this side event.


1.    Opening - Stephen Briggs, ESA

2.    Climate Change: the role of Space - Stephen Briggs, ESA

3.    Switzerland – José Romero, SAEFL

4.    The Netherlands – Bas Clabbers, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and
Food Quality

5.    Spain – Gerardo Sánchez Pe?a, Ministry of Environment

6.    Italy – Antonio Lumicisi, Ministry for the Environment and Territory

7.    South Africa - Humbulani Mudau, CSIR Natural Resources and the

8.    Greece - Dimitris Lalas, NOA

Moderator: Sean Blair, ESA

The event will include a reception.


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