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Summer Course on climate change and climate protection in Sopron

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Dear Colleagues,

A Summer Course on climate change and climate protection of the (European) continent and its southern region will be held in Sopron, from September 4th to 8th, organized by the Cooperation Research Centre for Environmental Resources Management and Protection at University of West Hungary (NYME) and by the Regional University Knowledge Centre for Forest and Wood Utilisation and Institute of Environmental Sciences of University of West Hungary.

Presentations, lectures and talks will be delivered by leading foreign and Hungarian experts, such as Dr. Hartmuth Gra?l, .Director of Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie, Hamburg, Professor at University of Hamburg, and Prof. Dr. Peter Hennicke, President of Wuppertal Institut für Klíma, Umwelt und Energie.
Presentations on the predictable impacts of climate change in Hungary, and possible responses to such changes will be held by outstanding Hungarian specialists of the branch, among them Dr István Láng, academician, President of Scientific Committee of VAHAVA Project, Dr Csaba Mátyás, academician, professor, head of institute and Dr Mihály Palócz-Andresen, professor, director of KKK (Cooperation Research Centre for Environmental Resources Management and Protection).
Working language of the summer course is English.
In the September 4th-5th. program latest findings of the above research fields will be reviewed.
Particular scientific topics and issues will be delivered on September 6th-7th .
Participants of the summer course can visit WOODTECH, Forestry and Wood Indusry Exhibition and attend the related conference.
Additonal programs, introducing Sopron’s environs, abundant in historical, cultural and natural values and programs enhancing personal connections among participants are also under planning.

Accommodation for participants is available for 2000 HUF per night at Vakáció Ifjúsági és Turistaszálló, 31 Ady E. str. Sopron, 940O; see: Main meal of the day is provided in the canteen of the university for 420 HUF per meal.
Postgraduate students of doctoral schools and other specialists, interested in the field are also welcome to the course. Invitation of students from Austria and Slovakia is being planned.
As the number of lectures delivered on the summer course will exceed 14 hours, doctoral students can gain credits for attendance. Being English the working language, it means further credit points for participating students.
Postgraduate students of doctoral schools will have to pay only for accommodation and meals while practising specialists are required to cover expenses of the program as well. Detailed costs will be given later.

Please inform us on the expected numbers of registration at your firm, company, institution, organisation or faculty, by sending your reply to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or  the address below:
Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem
 Környezeti erőforrás-gazdálkodási és –védelmi
Kooperációs Kutatási Központ
Verő J. u. 1.
till the date of 30 April 2006.

Thank you for your contribution and support in advance:


Prof. Dr. Ing.-habil. Mihály Palócz-Andresen
University of West Hungary
Director of Cooperation Research Centre for Environmental Resource Management and Protection


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