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Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change

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November 17-18. 2006
This conference will be the sixth event in the series of annual Berlin Conferences. This year's discussions will address the theme 'Resource Policies: Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Equity'.
Plenary speakers will include Professor Paul Ekins, Policy Studies
Institute London, UK, Prof. Marina Fischer-Kowalski, IFF Vienna -
Department of Social Ecology, Austria, Prof. Daniel Bromley, University
of Wisconsin, USA, and Prof. Martin Jänicke, Freie Universitaet Berlin -

The conference will be held in English. Proposals for papers or for side

events should be sent by e-mail to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The body
of the e-mail (no attachments please) should contain
(1) the title of the proposed paper,
(2) an abstract of less than 300 words (longer abstracts will be
rejected. No graphs, references, tables etc. in the abstract, please),
(3) the complete address and professional affiliation of all

The deadline for paper proposals is 15 June 2006. All paper submissions
will be reviewed by an international review panel. Notification of the
decision will be sent by e-mail no later than 15 July 2006. Full papers
are expected by 1 November 2006. We are making all efforts to ensure
funding to reimburse the travel costs of some conference participants,
with a preference for junior colleagues and colleagues from developing
countries. Paper presenters and other participants are asked to
contribute a registration fee of 120 Euros (50 Euros for students with
valid student ID) upon registration.
Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
Conference Chair: Dr. Klaus Jacob
Conference Manager: Henrik Vagt
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Environmental Policy Research Centre
Ihnestr. 22
14195 Berlin

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