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ForestLeadership Awards

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Prominent Jury to Decide upon 2007 ForestLeadership Awards - Nomination Period Officially Open
Montreal, 6 February 2007 – ForestLeadership is pleased to announce the official nomination period and the jury composition for its annual awards to be presented on 9 May 2007 at the ForestLeadership Conference in Vancouver, BC.

Since 2005, the ForestLeadership Awards have recognized exceptional achievements by individuals and organizations in three areas: leadership, communication, and partnerships. The awards aim at highlighting role models for the forest and paper sector, which is always in need of better leaders and communicators and often relies on multi-stakeholder partnerships for its operations.
The 2007 award recipients will be decided upon by a prominent independent jury comprising Chuck Leavell, Tree Farmer at the Charlane Plantation and keyboardist for the Rolling Stones for over two decades; Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and former Executive Director of the Sierra Club of Canada; David Refkin, Director, Sustainable Development, Time Inc.; John Hagan, Senior Scientist at the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences in Maine; and Keith Moore, FSC auditor and former Chair of the BC Forest Practices Board.
Past recipients of the ForestLeadership awards are Larry Selzer, President and CEO, The Conservation Fund (Leadership 2006);  David Refkin, Director of Sustainable Development, Time Inc. (Leadership 2005); Chuck Leavell, Tree Farmer, Charlane Plantation and keyboardist for the Rolling Stones (Communications, 2006); Tyler Elm, Director of Environmental Affairs, Office Depot Inc. (Communications, 2005); The Parallel Forest Certification Testing Initiative involving UPM, WWF and DNV (Partnership, 2006) and the The Joint Solutions Project involving Canadian Forest Products, International Forest Products, NorskeCanada, Western Forest Products, Weyerhaeuser, ForestEthics, Greenpeace, Rainforest Action Network and the Sierra Club of BC (Partnership, 2005).
Nominations can be made by any individual or organization and the nomination package can be found and downloaded at Eligibility is restricted to individuals and organizations active in North America, and the deadline for nominations is 30 March 2007.
About the 2007 ForestLeadership Conference
Geared towards decision-makers and the many groups and stakeholders committed to forest & paper sector sustainability, the 2007 ForestLeadership Conference provides a compelling and effective means to take the pulse of critical sustainability trends, challenges, and opportunities in North America. The conference will feature prominent speakers such as the BC Minister of Forests, Rich Coleman; the Senior Vice President of Limited Brands, Tom Katzenmeyer; a renowned forestry consultant, Dr. Bill Bourgeois; and the CEO of the new US Endowment for Forestry & Communities, Carlton Owen. The conference is held in conjunction with the 20th PricewaterhouseCoopers Global Forest & Paper Conference.
About ForestLeadership
ForestLeadership is a non-profit initiative focusing its activities on critical areas of leadership development, with the aim of furthering sustainable practices in the forest and paper sector.
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Jean-Pierre Kiekens
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