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ForLive Highlights

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Dear friends and colleagues,

While wishing all of our friends and colleagues a happy and successful 2007, we present this third edition of ForLive Highlights.  Among other matters, in this edition we report on the current situation of forest management in Bolivia ten years after the approval of the new Forest Law and the importance of the forest in terms of economic benefits for small farmers in Ecuador.  The harvesting of palm fibre from Aphandra natalia by small farmers provides and example of a promising initiative of sustainable forest management in the Amazon.

As in previous editions of this bulletin, we also report on progress of ForLive over the past quarter.  The most prominent aspect of this period has been the justification of the selection of the case studies to be considered as promising examples of forest management and reflection on the experience gained during the project over the past two years.  In this way, we seek to learn lessons from the sustainable forest management initiatives of small farmers in the Amazon.

We hope that the information provided is of interest.  With our best regards

ForLive Team

Para mayor información sobre el proyecto, dirigirse a nuestro sitio web ( o a Inka Montero (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
El próximo boletín “Destaques forLive” se publicará al comienzo de abril del 2007. Si no desea recibir el boletín, por favor escriba a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For further information on the project, please see ( ) or contact Inka Montero (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
The next newsletter “ForLive Highlights” will be published in April 2007. If you don’t want to receive this newsletter, please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Contenido Destaques ForLive No 3

Importancia de los bosques para los peque?os productores rurales en la Amazonia Sur del Ecuador (por Marco Robles y Jürgen Bauhus)

La Palma de Fibra (Aphandra natalia): Historia de manejo y beneficios para peque?os productores de Chinimbimi, Ecuador (por Rosa Masaquiza)

La Ley Forestal de 1996 de Bolivia: ?Quien se beneficia de los recursos forestales? (por Charlotte Benneker)

Momentos Extraordinarios: Recopilación de iniciativas de desarrollo endógeno (por Gabriel Medina y Benno Pokorny)

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Table of contents ForLive Highlights No 3

Importance of forests for smallholders in the southern Ecuadorian Amazon (by Marco Robles and Jürgen Bauhus)

Palm Fiber (Aphandra natalia): the History of its management and benefits provided for the small farmers of Chinimbimi, Ecuador (by Rosa Masaquiza)

The Bolivian Forest Law of 1996: who benefits from forest resources? (by Charlotte Benneker)

Extraordinary moments: Gathering initiatives of endogenous development (by Gabriel Medina and Benno Pokorny)

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