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Online Communication Survey

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Communicating research results is rapidly rising on the science priority list. This is why the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Task Force for Communicating Forest Science has developed a survey with the aim to discover and compare the communication and collaboration behaviour and activities of scientists working in forestry research worldwide.

With your help and the help of all scientists working in forestry, we hope to collect information that will be of use for improving the communication of forest science.

The survey is available at:

It is completely anonymous and will take approximately 25 minutes to
complete. The survey will be online until the 31st of March, 2007.

In order to reach as many scientists working in forestry we kindly ask you to help spread the word. If you have colleagues who might like to
participate, please forward the survey link to them.

We highly appreciate your interest and cooperation!

For questions or comments on the survey, please contact:

Alejandra Real (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Task Force Communicating Forest Science

Institute for Forest Policy
University of Goettingen


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