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Dear Colleagues
I’m pleased to announce a new Earthscan forestry title, published with CIFOR:
Law Enforcement, Livelihoods and the Timber Trade
Edited by Luca Tacconi
Foreword by Frances Seymour, Director-General, CIFOR
Illegal logging is massively widespread – more than 50 per cent of all timber in some countries – and hugely damaging, yet how can it be tackled without causing poverty in local communities?
Written by the world’s foremost experts, this book examines the key issues including law and enforcement, supply and demand, corruption, forest certification, poverty, local livelihoods, international trade and biodiversity conservation

For more info about this title:
This book is part of the Earthscan Forestry Library
To request review and inspection copies
Please send all relevant details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gudrun Freese
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