Nordic Forest Research Co-operation Committee (SNS) CALL FOR JOINT EFINORD-SNS NETWORKS for activities in 2013
The network call is announced jointly by the Nordic Forest Research Co-operation committee -SNS and the North European Regional Office of European Forest Institute - EFINORD. Deadline for application submission is 1 June 2012 at 24.00 CET.
Who can apply?
Researchers at research institutions in the Nordic (*) and other countries in the EFINORD area (**) are eligible to apply. Communicators from forest research organisations can also apply. Stakeholders can be involved, but cannot be main applicants.
(*) Nordic is defined here as Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the autonomous areas, Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Áland Islands. (**) Other countries in the EFINORD area is defined here as Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, NW Russia, Poland, Northern Germany, Northern UK, Ireland.
Call description
The aim of the joint EFINORD-SNS network call is
to increase North European regional synergy within forest research by networking and joint
utilisation of unique research facilities
to establish better contact between the forest research communities in the Nordic, Baltic Sea
and the North Atlantic regions
to strengthen North European forest research and networking in Europe
to encourage North European forest researchers to take part in pan-European and
international projects
Regional synergy can be described as activities which otherwise would be carried out on national level, but where considerable positive effects can be reached through a wider regional scope.
Applicants are encouraged to
have PhD students and young researchers participating in the network
build a network with an even gender distribution (aim: 40-60% gender balance)
The applications are expected to contribute to the strategic goals of EFINORD and SNS. SNS and EFINORD share a common goal of supporting research in sustainable forest management.
SNS prioritises the following research topics in its strategy 2010-2013:
Climate change, including adaptation of the forest and its ability to counteract the changes.
Measures to increase biomass production for the replacement of fossil and other non-
renewable natural resources
Materials development and methods for increased and new uses of wood products
Forest and forest land use, which preserves and restores biodiversity and avoids negative
impacts on soil and water
Forest damage and health - preventive and restorative measures
The economic, social and cultural significance of forests in society, and forest management
in the urban environment
EFINORD promotes forest research activities by
• Strengthening North European forest research networking in areas where North European
synergies can be obtained. Under the broad thematic umbrella of sustainable forestry, the
focus of EFINORD is on the following topics:
Biomass production and intensive forest management
Ecosystem services
Climate Change
Environmental economics
Governance and policy
• Facilitating communication of research results and policy advice on the above mentioned
Economic framework
Network grants are for 1 year.
The total budget for the call is 140 000 Euro.
The applied amount per network should be approx. 10.000 - 25.000 Euro
A self financing component of at minimum 50% of the total budget of the network is
For non-Nordic participants, there should be documented financial support to the network
activities from the relevant countries. Funding should be proportional to the total network
The funding should primarily be spent on networking activities such as travel and meeting
costs, and related networking cost, e.g. costs of guest lecturers, printed matter, database
costs or website cost (excl. hardware). Funding is not granted to labour costs, or to costs of board or other administrative meetings.
Cost-efficiency: We encourage applicants to ensure that the cost-per-person in the network application is reasonable. In addition to physical meetings we encourage applicants to take use of other means of meeting, e.g. video-conferences and web-based meetings to reduce travel costs.
Call conditions
Applications must include research groups from at least three Nordic countries (or
autonomous areas) and three other EFINORD countries. One Nordic country can be
substituted by a Baltic country (Latvia, Lithuania, or Estonia).
Network activities should describe the expected Nordic and North European regional
synergies within forest research.
The network should have a plan for communication activities, and a publishable output of its
topic/area is expected for publication in 'News & Views' and ''.
Applications must be submitted by email using the application form to EFINORD and SNS
secretariat (email addresses, see the application form). Applications have to be submitted in
English. The currency in the applications should be Euro.
The call is announced 15 March 2012 on EFI and SNS websites and by mailing lists.
Applications must be submitted no later than 24.00 CET on 1 June 2012.
Decisions will be made in November 2012 and communicated to applicants in December
Evaluation and selection process
The applications are assessed by 3-5 members of the SNS board and 3-5 evaluators nominated by the EFINORD Advisory Group. The evaluation criteria are described below.
The secretariats of EFINORD and SNS compile the results of the evaluation and prepare a joint proposal.
Based on the proposal a decision on the selection is made at an SNS Board meeting, in which an authorised representative of EFI shall participate in the decision-making process.
Quality of the application
Are the planned activities clearly described
Does the network have a working program /clear aim of activity
Economic framework
Is the self financing component 50% in limits of the total budget of the network Is the additional funding for participating non-Nordic participating documented Are the budgeted costs inside the scheme of refunding Is the activity in line with the amount applied Is the amount applied inside the funding frame
Expected outcome
Does the network produce a publishable output of its topic/area
Does the activity aim to produce other outputs, e.g. a project application, organising an open
conference, infrastructure services (e.g. database, dissemination activities)
Is the activity/topic relevant to SNS and EFINORD strategies
Does the activity increase regional synergy in the Nordic and North European regions
Composition of the network
Does the activity involve three Nordic countries and three other EFINORD countries Does the network involve young researchers / PhD students Does the network have an even gender balance
Reporting and economic guidelines for funded networks can be downloaded from the SNS website ( and will be communicated directly to successful applicants by e-mail.
Application for joint EFINORD-SNS network for activities in 2013
The application should be sent to:
SNS: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
EFINORD: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The application should be max 5pages
Network title:
2. Applicant: Name, title, address, telephone, e-mail
3. Aim of network
(e.g. conference, workshop, research meeting)
If your network had activities in previous years: What are the new activities and aims for this network application?
4. Time and place for activities
5. Background for network Planned activities Work programme
6. How does the network relate to SNS and EFINORD strategies?
7. How does the network increase regional synergies in the Nordic and North European regions?
8. Expected outcomes
a) Publishable outputs
b) Other outputs, e.g. project applications, organising conference, infrastructure services (e.g. database, dissemination activities)
9. SNS and EFINORD will publish network findings in the SNS newsletter 'News and Views' and in the format of 'fact sheets' on the forest information portal
Please indicate title or topic of the fact sheet/ brief, which the network will produce.
10. Plan for gender balance (aim 40-60% gender balance)
11. Plan for involving young researchers / PhD students
12. Participating countries (list countries)
Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
Other countries in the EFINORD region: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, NW Russia, Poland, N Germany, N UK, Ireland
13. Expected number of participants (app.) Nordic countries: Other countries in the EFINORD region: Total:
Ofthese: Women: Men: Young researchers/PhD students:
14. Specification of expenses (travel costs, meeting costs, other networking costs, etc.) Expenses A Self financing (Euro) B Applied amount (Euro)
Total sum (A + B) Please note that sum A should be at least 50 % of the total sum (A+B)
15. Documentation of how much financial support non-Nordic participants bring into the network budget.
16. Applicant signature, place and date
(signature) (place) (day / month / year)
17. Signature of head of research institution
(signature) (institution) (day / month / year)
(printed name, function)