July 29, 2020 Author: UBC Forestry
We invite you to participate in an unprecedented survey that will inform a global assessment of forest-related education.
Your responses will be invaluable in our efforts to chart a path forward for forest education and to shape a new international initiative to reinforce it.
This survey analyzes aims, resources, methods, and achievements in education related to forests and trees at all formal levels of education, from primary schools to colleges and universities, from the perspective of diverse government organizations, industry organizations, labour groups, ENGOs and forest associations, as well as organizations that engage with natural-resource themes generally.
The survey is being undertaken by a project led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) and funded by the Government of Germany. The North American (Canada and the U.S.) effort is being overseen by the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia in partnership with the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science at Michigan Technological University and Project Learning Tree (PLT)—an initiative of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). For information on the project please visit the FAO website.
The survey should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. We ask that the survey be completed once only by an individual. If you have previously responded to the survey’s earlier pilot version, there is no need to answer again. The survey is being managed by a team at the University of Helsinki, Finland, which is using the Webropol survey software. Responses to the survey will be treated anonymously.
All respondents, if they wish, will be entered into a lottery for a fully funded prize to participate in the International Conference on Forest Education to be held at FAO Headquarters in Rome (tentatively scheduled for November 2020). All travel and boarding expenses will be paid by the conference organizers.
We ask that you kindly submit your survey response within 7-10 days of receipt. Please find the survey link here:
We would also be grateful if you would forward this invitation to others whom you think will be willing to participate in the survey. They could include people working for organizations, agencies or private sector entities involved in natural resources/forestry); teachers of natural resource/forestry-related subjects; and students (current and those graduated within the past 5 years) in forest/natural resource programmes in technical and vocational schools, colleges or universities.
We thank you for your cooperation!
Andrew Taber Project Lead, FAO