Faculty of Forestry of the University of West Hungary

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5 Ady Endre street Sopron 9400
Tel.:00-36-99/518-207; Fax:00-36-99/329-808

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The faculty educates forestry, environment engineering and environmental sciences for university level degree (5 years study time), teaches nature protection on full time courses for college degree (3 years study time) and wildlife managers on full time as well as correspondence courses for college degrees. Furthermore, the faculty offers courses for training experts at environmental management, forest plants protection and a  postgraguate course in nature protection. Besides Sopron, Csíkszereda (Transsylvania) is a training centre of  correspondence courses for forestry engineers and wildlife managers.

Professional guidence and supervision is provided by the faculty to the Roth Gyula secondary technical school.
Two schools for doctoral students are in the faculty, the Roth Gyula Forestry and Wildlife Management Doctoral School, and the Kitaibel Pál Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences.Their programs are as follows: ecology and diverity of forest ecosystems, biologic principles of forest management, forest inventory management, technical knowledge of forestry, wildlife management, bio-environmental sciences and geo-environmental sciences.
Main research fields of the faculty are as follows: Mathematical statistics and application, numerical maths, mathematical didactics, wood chemistry, biochemistry, environment chemistry, polymeric chemistry, geodesy, photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographical information systems, geophysics, applied hydrological research, meteorology, botany, genetics, zoology, eocology, landscape ecology, nature protection, environment protection, structural engineering, energy conservation, developments in wood energetics, research on energetical plantations and their application, compact products from biomass, waste management and utilisation. Ecological and economical applications of renewable energy resourses, forestry mechanisation developments, noise and vibtation analyses, labour safety analysis, forest uses, tree growing, forestry management, silviculture, forest opening up, forest hydrology, forestry policies and economics, wildlife biology, small game management, big game management, forest plants pathology, forest protection, and soil sciences (non-molecular). Students of the faculty can join the reseach programs, mainly  with Scientific Students’ Circle work.
The faculty has a scientific exchange program with Hamburg Univerity. There are exchanges of teachers and students under a contract with Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg, and it provides cooperation in certain reseach topics with Gottingen Georg August Univerity in Göttingen. A cooperation agreement with Zvolen University offers exchange programs for lecturers, doctorate students, graduates and researchers. It includes information and publications exchange and organisation of sports events. The faculty has connections with the Czech University of Agriculture within Ceepus while Socrates-Erasmus Programs also assist lecturers, researchers and students mobility. There are possibilities for working together with Arad Vasilie Goldis University for lecturer, researcher exchange programs. The latest cooperating partner of the faculty is a Hungarian institution in Romania, the Sapientia University.
Students of the forestry faculty are members of IAESTE, the international students’ organisation, thus having opportunity to travel abroad (for experience, connections, and practice) to Austria, Germany, Finland, Switzerland, Canada. The Sopron group of BEST (Association of European Engineering Students), organises summer courses and job markets. The faculty is a member of IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organisations) and EFI (European Forestry Institutes).
The botanical garden is an important visual aid for instruction. Forestry informatics and  spacial informatics laboratories assist staff and students work and the computers of the central library are their information sources on the Internet.
The library itself is one of the world’s oldest montanistic, technical and forestry libraries. The Forestry, Wood Industry and Land Survey History Collections have been housed in the Esterhazy Palace (4 Templom street, Sopron).
Accomodation is provided for the students of the faculty at two hostels named Gyula Machatsek and Zoltán Fekete.
Student life is guided by Selmec Society of students at the faculties of Forestry and Wood Sciences in accordance with the requirements of the day and also Selmec traditions, thus, deepening the cultural and social values conveyed to Sopron by Selmec students of the period. The genuine value of these traditions is in their continuous reproduction, which have a great impact on students’lives, featuring in their clothes, lifestyles, culture, everyday studies, social life and entertainment.
Forestry students founded the Ürmös Dance Circle Cultural Society that represents a progressive line in folk dancing. They have toured in Transsylvania and performed with success in Germany, Austria, France, Ireland. The faculty provides for its students the same sports facilities and possibilities as detailed in chapter Facullty of Wood Sciences.



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