Faculty of College of Geoinformatics

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1-3 Pirosalma street Székesfehérvár 8000
Tel.:00-36-22/516-520; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This faculty of the university teaches land surveyor engineering, land manager engineering and real estate and property registration as its fundamental training and offers specialisation courses in  UNIGIS spatial information science, land managing information science, land property cadastral specialisation and structural geodesy. It also has staff development trainings for clerks, administrators, technicians and managers for property registration, digital mapping and spatial information science and spatial information science management taught by the faculty as OKJ courses. Furthermore, property estimators and executives can have postgraduate courses and courses in decision preparation to spatial informatical tasks and spatial informatical administration are also available. The faculty is the Hungarian centre of UNIGIS international distance learning.

In the student exchange program Erasmus, bilateral agreements were signed  with three universities.
Research is linked to various projects and grants as well as to contractual works, as follows: NODE EU Minerva project (Internet education centre concepts and teaching material adaption); Nature- GIS EU IST project (geoinformatic solutions to complex problems of nature protection and conservation areas); URBAX2 Leonardo da Vinci project (interactive educational software for urban planning and community development); FAO project (database for land use); OTKA* grants  (geoinformation science models for redistribution of landed property, vertical crustal movements in Hungary; installation of pressing equipment (Alcoa-Köfém*); observations on surface movements with levelling (FVM*-FÖMI); quality assurance plan of engineering -surveying work at (PA Rt*); observations with digital elevation models (FÖMI*); investigation of  movements at the Sió-Gemenc flood gate (KDT VIZIG*) and that of the Sió outlet sluice (KDT VIZIG); DEM for emergency reservoirs on the Tisza river (OVF*); movement investigation at Fehérvárcsurgó dam (KDT VIZIG). Also students of the faculty can join research, mainly in Scientific Students’ Circles.
The College has international cooperation with the following institutions:
East London University, Manchester University, Vienna University of Agriculture, Salzburg University, ITC, Enchede, the Netherlands, Catholic University of Leuwen; Bundesamt für Eich und Vermessungswesen; Ordnance Survey;GISIG, Italy, Research Institue for Astrology and Geophysics –NRIAG Helwan, Egypt, and the Slovakian Technical University, Bratislava.
The college has a large measurement room, laboratories for IT, a room for geodesical measuring and one equipped with photogrammetric instruments, all availiable for the students.
The Sukoró measurement basis is one of practical training sites. A well-  developed, local computer network and Internet connections make Fehérvár a regional centre of the Academy* network.The library possesses 20 thousand volumes and it also provides an electronic information flow service. The college’s own press publishes various textbooks, teaching accessories and other publications. The college has a hostel to accomodate its students. Sports can be pursued in Students’ Sports Association (DSE) who can use the sports hall, sports field of the hostel and a keep-fit room. The hostel has a studio and a club.

Footnote: The  refers to Hungarian institutions as follows:
OKJ  Nationwide list of courses offering qualifications
OTKA-Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Alcoa-KÖFÉM- Alcoa- Light Metal Co.
FVM- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
FÖMI-Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing
PA Rt- Paks Nuclear Power Station
KDT VIZIG-Central Transdanubian Authority for Environment Protection and Water
DEM- Digital Elevation Model
OVF-National Management Centre and Authority for Environment,
Nature and Water               
Academy- Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)

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