J. Ball, J. Carle and A. Del Lungo
Contribution of poplars and willows to sustainable forestry
and rural development (Download- 364 KB)
A.P. Tsarev
Natural poplar and willow ecosystems on a grand scale:
the Russian Federation (Download- 104 KB)
J. Ulloa and L. Villacura
Contribution of a private poplar industry in Chile
to sustainable rural development (Download- 319 KB)
A. Berthelot, S Augustin, J. Godin and G. Decocq
Biodiversity in poplar plantations in the Picardie region of France (Download- 317 KB)
W.J.A. Volney, R.I. Alfaro, P. Bothwell, E.H. Hogg, A. Hopkin, G. Laflamme, J.E. Hurley, G. Warren, J. Metsaranta and K.I. Mallett
A framework for poplar plantation risk assessments (Download- 63 KB)
F. Toplu
Breeding and conservation of black poplar (Populus nigra)
gene resources in Turkey (Download- 228 KB)
J. Carle and Q. Ma
Challenges of translating science into practice: poplars and other species in the Three North Region of China (Download- 252 KB)
H. Marchadier and P. Sigaud
Poplars in biotechnology research (Download- 171 KB)
M.I. Abalos Romero
Towards development of the Chilean basket willow sector (Download- 63 KB)
I. Dimitriou and P. Aronsson
Willows for energy and phytoremediation in Sweden (Download- 332KB) L.B. Smart, T.A. Volk, J. Lin, R.F. Kopp, I.S. Phillips, K.D. Cameron, E.H. White and L.P. Abrahamson
Genetic improvement of shrub willow (Salix spp.) crops
for bioenergy and environmental applications in the United States (Download- 132 KB)