An international journal of forestry and forest industries - Vol. 56 2005/3
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Editor: A. Perlis
Editorial Advisory Board Forestry Department:
F. Castaeda, R. Czudek, T. Hofer, C. Holding Anyonge, D. Kneeland, J.P. Koyo, A. Perlis, L. Russo, M. Uemoto, T. Vahanen, M.L. Wilkie
Emeritus Advisers:
J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, C. Palmberg-Lerche
Regional Advisers:
H. Abdel Nour, C. Carneiro, P. Durst, P. Koné, K. Prins
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D. Schoene and M. Netto
The Kyoto Protocol: what does it mean for forests and forestry? N. Masripatin
Preparing the ground: Indonesia’s arrangements for forestry projects under the Clean Development Mechanism
W. Oyhantçabal
The Clean Development Mechanism in Uruguay: towards a new relation between livestock and forestry
P.V. Desanker
The Kyoto Protocol and the CDM in Africa: a good idea but …
P. Moutinho, M. Santilli, S. Schwartzman and L. Rodrigues
Why ignore tropical deforestation? A proposal for including forest conservation in the Kyoto Protocol
A mechanism to account for carbon effects of avoiding forest conversion
P.I. Lakyda, I.F. Buksha and V.P. Pasternak
Opportunities for fulfilling Joint Implementation projects in forestry in Ukraine
W. Kägi and H. Schmidtke
Who gets the money? What do forest owners in developed countries expect from the Kyoto Protocol?
E. Hyvärinen
The downside of European Union emission trading – a view from the pulp and paper industry
A. Tuttle and K. Andrasko
Registries and research: climate change mitigation and forestry in the United States