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A new position as Head of Department for

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A new position as Head of Department for "Forestry and Forest Products" at the Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, KVL.

Forest & Landscape Denmark wishes to announce the vacancy of the position of Head of Department for Forestry and Forest Products.

Objectives and Fields of Work
The purpose of the Department is to conduct research and development, teach, advise and disseminate results for the promotion of sustainable forestry. The field of work includes silviculture and forest management, forest operations, wood technology and collection of forest data.

The Department focuses on forest management and methods aimed at improvement of economical, ecological and social values and the refinement of forest products. The Department is responsible for biological and technical research spanning the whole production chain from establishment to harvest and the wide range of goods produced by forests. The aim is to create the basis for an economically sustainable development which respects landscape, environment cultural history and recreation. 
The Department carries out innovative and user-oriented research at a high international level. Frequently, research is executed in close collaboration with the end users from relevant private and public sectors and often with many international partners. A large percentage of contract-based research and development for the sector is based on this long-term research and the competences of the staff.

Besides research, staff members are required to teach on several levels; from short term practical courses to research training of Ph.D. students. The Department is also empowered to disseminate knowledge obtained from research to the public and private sector by means of popular publications in journals and extension leaflets, information sheets, daily newspapers and other media. 

Job Description and Qualification
The Head of Department is responsible for the annual statement/plan of department projects and aims, development of extension, commercial services and use of resources. 
The Head of Department is automatically a member of the Management Group of Forest & Landscape and refers directly to the Director.

The position requires qualifications in the following areas:
·Management and co-ordination
·Advisory, information and business contacts
·Practical experience within the department’s fields of work
·Teaching, guidance and supervision and examination grading (censor)
The successful applicant will also possess the following professional and personal qualifications:

·Experience  in research management and other managerial activities
·Development oriented, enterprising, good liaison and management abilities.
·Documentation of original scientific articles for the international sector
·Documentation of research qualifications within one or more of the department’s fields of work
·Documented teaching abilities
·Master the English language. A non-Danish applicant will have to acquire a working knowledge of Danish within a short period of time

The application may be presented to a professional evaluation committee.

Terms of Employment
The position is offered as appointment with limited tenure, but can be made permanent. The post will be filled according to the Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations and the appropriate regulations. With appointment with limited tenure a job return agreement can be made for the end of the period. Forest & Landscape, KVL is prepared to negotiate payment of allowances with the lawful organisation.
Further information about the position can be obtained from Director Niels Elers Koch on tel. (+45) 3528 1515

The application
The application, marked journal no. 211-06 and all relevant material must be sent in 4 copies to Skov & Landskab, H?rsholm Kongevej 11, 2970 H?rsholm, Denmark, where it must be received no later than 30 January 2006 at 12.00 a.m.

Forest & Landscape Denmark is an independent centre at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Denmark (KVL). The Centre undertakes research, education, extension and consultancy services in the area of forest, landscape and planning. For more information see
KVL carries out technically advanced research and education within the veterinary, agricultural and human nutrition areas - as well as related fields of natural science. The university has 3.500 students (incl. approx 400 PhD students), 1.700 man years and an annual turnover of DKK 1.2 billion. In accordance with KVL's equal opportunities policy, we invite applications from all interested individuals regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or religion. For more information on KVL see

Frank Sřndergaard Jensen
Senior Researcher, Ph.D.
Head of Department (Research Manager)

Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning
H?rsholm Kongevej 11
DK-2970 H?rsholm
Tel.:       +45 - 3528 1503 
Fax:       +45 - 3528 1517
E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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