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Farm advisory service conference

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Farm advisory service - the topic of 2006 and of our this year’s conference - as part of an integrated rural area solution.
We cordially invite you to attend the International PROGIS-Conference 2006, which will take place on April 19 - 20 in Vienna.

The event explores background, legislation, needs and technologies for farm advisory systems, as they are necessary to comply with the new situations like commitments regarding Cross Compliance, documentation needs to ensure food- and feed-traceability, to calculate, to map etc.. The set up of public or private farm advisory services (FAS) is binding from 2007. Few states have already installed systems, but most of the member states are still evaluating how to manage them best.
FAS are on one side a challenge for national ministries, on the other side an excellent chance for agri-entrepreneurs picking up this new business segment …… perhaps suitable to your activities?
There are further “winners” of this regulation. The farmers, who will get grants for claiming FAS – that means qualified advise (if advisors have an excellent technology) for low money.
PROGIS will present its integrated AGROffice-technology as it is applicable to any of the mentioned fields of business activity. AGROffice comprises next to mentioned tasks, issues like economy, ecology, logistics, precise - and virtuell farming, forestry etc. Many of them “global issues”, that’s why our partners from Germany, UK & Ireland, Slovakia, Spain, Bosnia & Herzegovina will present their excellent successes in their countries with PROGIS technologies as well as experts from throughout EU will present their views to the mentioned topics.
You as a participant will profit of all these views. Join us in Vienna – the prel. program is online and the registration is open at:
This event will help also players in global markets like the industries food/feed, agro machines, fertilizer and herbicides, seeds etc. to prosper based on new technologies!

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