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"Quo vadis, forestry?"

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We would like to invite you to participate in an International Conference  
CONFERENCE LANGUAGES: Polish/English (simultaneously
DATE AND PLACE: 29-30.06.2006
GROMAN Hotel - Sękocin Stary (14 km from Warsaw)


ORGANISER: Forest Research Institute in Warsaw (
SCIENTIFIC BOARD: Zbigniew Sierota, Andrzej Kolk, Kazimierz Rykowski, Marian Suwała, Stanisław Zaj±c, Jan Zaj±czkowski


The problems of modern forestry, resulting from differentiated social expectations related to forests as well as the deterioration of the economic condition of forest management, are the main issues of the proposed scope of the conference. Its framework programme includes abstracts, speeches and discussions on the most important questions concerning forestry, on a local, regional and international scale, especially in the range of:
-        globalization challenges facing forestry,
-        forest management as an element of socio-economic development strategy,
-        concept and principles of sustainable forest management and their implementation,
-        condition of forest resources, trends in their development and threats,
 -        intersectoral linkages of forest management, including wood industry, nature protection,
-        education and public services,
-        explanatory and forecasting roles of forest research.
The organizers hope that the abstracts presented in the course of the conference and the related discussion will present dilemmas of forest management and forest sciences, answer the question "Where is forestry headed?" and outline the measures contributing to the future forest and forestry development. Wide discussion can become an important foundation for elaborating the assumptions of the new forest management model in the 21st century.
The Conference  opens with 6 keynote papers (invited papers) in the fields set out in the Conference Objectives, presenting both Polish, other countries' or international viewpoints on forestry. Presentations may be 25 minutes long, with an additional 10 minutes for discussion. After discussion, the main thesis of chosen voluntary papers will be presented for 10 minutes.

During the summarizing Panel Session "QUO VADIS, FORESTRY?" the main topics and presented theses, and other problems under discussion will be recapitulated.

All interested are invited to participate in the Conference and to present the paper in chosen fields set out in the Conference objectives and to send titles and abstracts of papers (registration form).
The Scientific Board will divide the Conference into thematic Sessions and in case of many delivered papers will chose those to present during the Session due to limit of time. Detailed Conference programme will be presented in the second Announcement.

Invited papers, voluntary papers and voices in the discussion will be published in post conference materials.

The Scientific Board will accept the summary of voluntary papers for oral presentations.

Deadline for the Registration Form and the summary (up to 2 pages) of oral presentations: 30 April 2006.
Abstract (Word, Times New Roman 12, double spaced) should be sent to the Conference Secretary by e-mail or post.
Abstracts will be available in the Conference materials and on the Conference website.
Call for papers to be published in the Proceedings  - 20 June 2006
Further information on the schedule, addresses and publication will be given in the 2nd Announcement, after the delivery of the Registration Form.
Please send any comments or proposals to the Programme Council Chairman - Zbigniew Sierota (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or to the Organising Secretariat:

Marta Topczewska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
Jadwiga Fonder This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
Małgorzata Chyb This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Instytut Badawczy Le¶nictwa,
ul. Bitwy Warszawskiej 1920 R. Nr 3,

00-970 Warszawa, Poland

Best regards
Marta Topczewska
Forest Research Institute
Section of Planning and Foreign Relations
& Centre of Excellence PROFOREST
Bitwy Warszawskiej 1920r. Street, No3
00-973 Warsaw, Poland
Phone:+ 48 22 8234565
Internet site: 
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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