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Climate Change course - 26-30 March 2007

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CLIMATE CHANGE; Science, Impacts and Responses
26-30 March 2007 at Imperial College London

A 5-day modular programme to help professionals to understand the
business impact of climate change from underlying science to business
responses. It will provide an in-depth understanding of various aspects
of climate change in a concentrated period and gives those attending an opportunity to discuss the issues relevant to them.

Topics will include:
. Climate Science
. Mitigation Technologies and Policies
. International Negotiations, Emissions Trading and the project-based
. GHG Mitigation in Agriculture and Forestry
. Impacts and Adaptation

Delivered by a range of experts of international renown and experience,
who can address this multi-facetted issue from a variety of standpoints.
This programme will be of interest to all who have a responsibility or
obligation to understand the impact for their business. A modular
structure has been adopted to enable senior executives to attend the
single days of the most direct interest to their organisation.

We hope this programme will be of interest to you and your colleagues
and please visit our web site on

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