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6th GOFOR Meeting - BUDAPEST

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Invitation to the GOFOR and FAO meeting    

Dear Colleague,

The EU funded GOFOR (New Modes of Governance for Sustainable Forestry in Europe) research project aims at the analysis of new governance tools and patterns like in forest policy the national forest programme concept or in rural development policy the rural development programmes in the EU member countries, respectively intent to provide a contribution to their implementation through empirical assessment of country case studies. For colleagues linked to forest policy planning and implementation the most useful results will most probably be the overview of country case studies and the summarising European assessment, providing an update on this matters in 9 EU countries + Norway. However, it must be stated, that not content but process elements will be assessed and analysed, such as e.g. participation, iterative planning or inter-sectoral coordination.
Case studies tackle national forest programmes or equal processes, rural development programmes or forestry legislation development.

Friday, 02 March 2007 in the FAO Sub-regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe (1068, Benczur u. 34, BUDAPEST, Hungary) a 1 day workshop will be organised within the frame of the GOFOR research project by the University of West Hungary and FAO SEUR on: 

„Governance questions of regional international conventions in forestry: Existing and emerging regimes in the Alps, the Carpathian and the Balkan Regions”.

Herewith I would like to invite you to this workshop to participate in the plenary and working group sessions.  

The workshop provides for opportunities of discussing in international audience the above mentioned forest policy processes relevant for all countries in Central and South-East Europe and for exchange between forest policy experts of the CEEC region and European forest policy research colleagues. 

The workshop language is English without translation.

As the number of participants is limited, please send me your reply via email or fax on your participation not later than 15.02.2007 to the addresses in the header.

I do attach the preliminary agenda. Organisational costs including catering will be taken over by the organisers.

Hope to hear from you soon.

With very best regards,

Prof. Dr. Károly Mészáros
Director of Institute, GOFOR-Hungary

Attachments: Preliminary agenda, information sheet on the GOFOR project

University of West Hungary
Faculty of Forestry
H- 9400 SOPRON, Bajcsy. U. 4. ;  ?: 9401 SOPRON, Pf. 132.
Telefon/Fax: 0036 99/329-911

DRAFT agenda for the OPEN SESSION
02 March 2007, Budapest, FAO/SEUR, Benczur ut. 34, H – 1068 Budapest

Governance questions of Regional International Conventions: Existing and emerging regimes in the Alps, the Carpathian and the Balkan Regions

To get familiar with the Alpine, the Carpathian and the Balkan Convention; and especially the processes leading to and accompanying those conventions.
Based on 1): to discuss the 3 processes on the background of the GoFOR frame of analysis and the experiences gained from the GoFOR case studies.
To mutually take advantage from experiences gained from the processes of these three regional Conventions on the one hand, and the GoFOR case studies on the other hand (gaining new ideas, perspectives, research questions, etc.)

Experts from FAO SEUR, UNEP
From other national research institutes
Speakers and Experts from: Alpine, Carpathian and Balkan Convention
Other interested forest policy experts
Note:  FAO-room capacity <= 50 participantes; hence, about max. 25-30 participants in addition to GoFORians. I.e.  additional participants should be addressed personally in due time, ensuring that a reasonable number attends (“open session”!), but within the given limits.


A G E N D A - Proposal V4

Friday, 02 MARCH 2007
Speaker / Moderator
Opening and welcome Organisers (GOFOR-Hungary, GOFOR Coordinator, FAO SEUR)
Objectives of the meeting Organisers (GOFOR-Hungary)
Introduction of the GOFOR research programme
incl. questions for clarification
GOFOR coordinator
The Alpine, Carpathian and the Balkan Conventions as policy processes in overview - from the perspective of UNEP (Organisation, process, objectives & priorities) Mr. H. Egerer, UNEP
Questions & Discussions Moderator: GOFOR
Coffee / Tea Break -
The role of international organisations in the conventions Mr. V. Sasse, FAO
Questions & Discussion Moderator: GOFOR
Stakeholder experiences from the Balkan Convention Mr. V. Andonovsky, University of Skopje / Macedonia
Questions & Discussion Moderator: GOFOR
Lunch break  
Stakeholder experiences from the Carpathian Convention Mr. M. Cernota, National Forest Center Zvolen / Slovakia
Stakeholder experiences from the Carpathian Convention Mr. Juraj Vysoky, WWF Danube/Carpathian Programme
Stakeholder experiences from the Carpathian Convention To be confirmed
Questions & Discussion Moderator: FAO
Coffee / Tea Break -
Discussion in 2 Workign Groups: Lessons learned, major issues and open questions
(Rem.: Rapporteur per Group to following plenary))
Coffee / Tea Break (preparing WG findings for plenary) -

Synopsis and Discussions:

  • WG1 and WG2 presentations (15 minutes each)
  • Plenary Discussion
Moderator: GOFOR
18.15 Summary and closing of meeting Organisers

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