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CIFOR rehabilitation publication announcements

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Dear Forests-L reader,

I would like to inform you about a recent series of CIFOR publications
on forest rehabilitation (three in Asia and two in Latin America) that may be of interest to your readers/ members. These include the following:

1. Meza, C. Sabogal. C., de Jong, W.  2006.  Rehabilitación de areas
degradadas en la Amazonia peruana : Revisión de experiencias y lecciones
aprendidas.  Bogor, Indonesia, CIFOR.  Country case studies on Review of
Forest Rehabilitation Initiatives: Lessons from the Past. 106p.

2. Chokkalingam, U., Carandang, A.P., Pulhin, J.M., Lasco, R.D., Rose
Jane J.P., Toma, T. 2006. One century of forest rehabilitation in the
Philippines: Approaches, outcomes and lessons. Bogor, Indonesia, CIFOR.
Country case studies on Review of Forest Rehabilitation Initiatives:
Lessons from the Past.

3. de Jong, W.; Do Dinh Sam; Trieu Van Hung. 2006. Forest
rehabilitation in Vietnam: histories, realities and future. Center for
International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia. Review of
Forest Rehabilitation: Lessons from the Past. 76p. ISBN: 979-24-4652-4.

4. Chokkalingam, U.; Zhou Zaichi; Wang Chunfeng; Toma, T. 2006.
Learning lessons from China's forest rehabilitation efforts : national
level review and special focus on Guangdong Province. Center for International
Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia. Review of Forest
Rehabilitation: Lessons from the Past. 159p. ISBN: 979-24-4667-2.

5. Almeida, E.; Sabogal, C.; Brienza, S., Jr. 2006. Recuperaç?o de
areas alteradas na Amazônia Brasileira: experi?ncias locais, liç?es
aprendidas e implicaç?es para políticas públicas. Center for
International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia. Review of Forest
Rehabilitation: Lessons from the Past. 202p. ISBN: 979-24-4609-5.

There will also be a report on Indonesia shortly.

All publications are available on the website
and copies can be obtained from CIFOR. Each report has a brief summary on
the back cover that provides a snapshot of the contents within.

With best regards
Popi Astriani

Research Assistant
Center for International Forestry Research
P.O. Box 6596 JKPWB
Jakarta 10065, Indonesia
Phone: 62 251 622 622
Fax: 62 251 622 100
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