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Integrating innovation and entrepreneurship in higher forestry education

To whom?

For undergraduate and postgraduate students of forestry or related sectors, as for example environment, business or rural development. For students who are interested in new knowledge, international exchange and putting theory into practice by working with real world cases!


Innovation and entrepreneurship are the words of tomorrow. They are important drivers for economic growth, competitiveness and employment in the forest sector in Europe. This Socrates Intensive Programme will introduce you to this subject and make you one of those experts who are leading the action!


Where and when?



The twelve day intensive course will take place at West-Hungarian University, Sopron, Hungary, 26th August -8th September 2007. Prior to and after the intensive course you will work with a forest (or related) enterprise in your own country and finally produce a strategic innovation plan for it.


The course will be a truly international experience bringing together students from 13 partner institutes participating in INNO-FOREST from 11 European countries! Language of the course will be English.

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