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National Wood Resource Balances

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As announced earlier, the UNECE/FAO Timber Section in conjunction with the University of Hamburg, is organizing a workshop on National Wood Resource Balances - Empirical data gathering on sources and uses of wood

It will be held in the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland on 31 March – 1 April 2008.

Please find the detailed programme and the registration form in the attachment. More information are available at:

Please note that the deadline for application is 17 March.

Empirical research is urgently needed to close gaps and improve data and statistics on sources and uses of wood. This information is crucial for planning and decision-making in the forest-based as well as the renewable energy sector.
The recently (2006) conducted Joint UNECE/FAO/IEA/EC Wood Energy Enquiry has started a process to collect improved information on wood energy on a Europe-wide basis. This has helped the creation of national and European-level wood balances (study on “wood resources availability and demands – implications of renewable energy policies”). The study assesses figures for sources and uses of wood (including wood energy), and identifies data gaps and inconsistencies which still need to be resolved.

Based on the findings of this study, the workshop aims to set a framework (priorities, best practices, resources) for empirical research on sources and uses of wood in the European region.

Target audience
We invite experts in research on different sources of wood supply (forest resources), wood use (forest products), and wood energy, as well as interested stakeholders from forestry, wood-based industry and bioenergy.

Further Information
Please find the agenda and registration form attached to this email. Additional information are available online:

The workshop will be immediately followed by the 30th session of the Joint FAO/ UNECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistic (2-3 April). The Working Party will hold also an in-session seminar on potential future wood supply (for more information see:

Sebastian Hetsch
UNECE / FAO Timber Section
Palais des Nations
CH 1211 Geneva 10

phone: (+41) 22 - 917 4170
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