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Global Opinion Survey on Japan's GHG Emission Reduction Targets for 2020

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In preparation for the Copenhagen meeting (COP15) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change at the end of 2009, Japan is currently engaged in debate about the country's medium-term greenhouse gas
emission reduction targets (for the period 2013 to 2020).

After considering public opinion and various other views, Prime Minister Taro Aso will decide on the medium-term targets this June.
While environmental NGOs are calling for major emission reductions, industry is making a strong appeal for targets that will not lead to big reductions. A large gap in their positions persists.

Japan that will set its own national medium-term targets, but we at Japan for Sustainability (JFS) would like to ask people around the world for their comments, and then share our findings with Prime Minister Aso and the media here. Please take a few moments of your time to review the background and options being debated (below), then tell us what you think.

Please reply by the end of the day, May 16, 2009.  If you have any questions about this survey,
please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We will post our findings on the JFS website at the end of May.  We very much appreciate your help!

Junko Edahiro
Chief Executive
Japan for Sustainability
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