- Sodetal and environmental challenges ofMediterranean forests
14th -17th May 2018, Tempio Pausania (Sardinia)
Hosted by FoReSTAS the Régiónál Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia & ANARF Italian National Association of Régiónál Forestry Activities information and booking: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-european-state-forest-conference-2018-42530487834
Draft PROGRAMME and Conference outline
The Southern borders of the EU are at the forefront of climate change effects, including increased drought severity, increased probability and intensity of wildfires, decreased resilience to pests and diseases as well as extrémé weather conditions. Nonetheless, the century-old relationship between forests, man and climate has forged the structure and composition of these ecosystems to allow the provisioning of goods and services which integrate wood production with non-wood forest products, such as cork, animál products, honey and mushrooms. The landscapes deriving from this interaction are unique, and together with Sardinia's breathtaking beaches, are greatly appreciated by visitors from all overthe world.
The leading topics of the conference will be on how to deliver the multifunctionality of forests, their provisions of Ecosystem Services and non-wood Forest products, and the need for adaptation to Climate Change of forest ecosystems.
On the 15th May, an entire field day will showcase Mediterranean forest management practices in cork oak stands, coastal pine stands, degraded habitats for biotic and abiotic factors and multifunctional management. The visíts will be accompanied by presentations explaining environmental threats, management constraints and future development prospects.
On the 16th of May, major policy makers at the EU, National and Régiónál levél, togetherwith forestry CEOs, professionals, experts and scientists will discuss how the political agenda tackles the challenges and supports the strengths of the European forest sector in a Mediterranean context, given the current trends of climate and land use change. Keynote talks will be given on the main conference topics followed by parallel sessions.
Monday, 1401 May
Arrival and Transfer to hotel
Optional visit to the Giant's Tömb dating to the Bronzé Age (for those arrivinglate morning or early afternoon)
ExCom members: EUSTAFOR Executive Committee meeting (closed meeting)
Networking drink hosted by Antonio Casula (Director General Forestas)
Dinner and cultural programme
Tuesday, 1501 May (field day)
IngAlberto Negro - PresidentANARF Per-OlofWedin - PresidentEUSTAFOR
Field visits show casing: Cork Oak stand management and
Wild Fire management in view of CC, Silvo-pastoral systems
Visit to local Cork Factory Molinas and to a local Winery
Gála Dinner (typical Gallurese meal)
Wednesday, 1601 May (conference day)
Opening of the conference
Enabling active forest management in Italy in the face of
climate change and for rural development
Challenges and opportunities for forestry in
Mediterranean areas
The EU policies to support multifunctional and resilient
Adaptation of European forests to climate change
Mediterranean forests & multifunctionality. Natural Capital financial facility and NWFP Parallel Sessions:
Parallel Session 1: Climate Change Adaptation
Parallel session 2: Valuing Ecosystem Services & Non-Wood Forest Products
Concluding remarks
Forestas Administrator
Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
EUParliament perspective
EU Commission, DG AGRIDirectorGeneral (tbc.)
Sardinian Ministerfor the Protection of the Environment University
Experiences from other EUSTAFOR members and workgroup discussion Experiences from other EUSTAFOR members and workgroup discussion Piotr Borkowski - EUSTAFOR Exec. Director Buffet Lunch
Visit to the coastal Pine Stand on the beach of Rena Majoré and sand dune stabilization. Hiking on the panoramic trails of Rena Majoré.
Post conference dinner and social event
Thursday, 17th May (final day, depaitures)
Optional Visit to the Monumental Olive tree of Lago del Liscia