Forestry officials key advice for managing dog walkers in woodlands
28th January - forestryjournal.co.ukCORRECT signage, clearly set out routes, and timely intervention are some of the suggestions outlined in new guidance on how to welcome dog walkers into woodlands.
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Storm Eowyn: Forestry bosses issue woodland warning
forestryjournal.co.ukFORESTRY bosses are urging people to avoid forests when Storm Eowyn and its 100 mph hit the UK in the coming days.- Press review
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Ips cembrae: implications and consequences for UK forestry
Forestry Journal – 22-01-2025Ips cembrae made headlines recently, after a small number of bark beetles were intercepted in pheromone lure traps in the west of Scotland conifer bark beetle Pest Free Area (PFA).- News
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EU deforestation law: Council formally adopts its one-year postponement
23-12-2024 - ForestPressToday, the Council formally adopted the regulation on the postponement of application of the EU deforestation law by one year.- News
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European Forest Owners’ Manifesto: Caring for European Forests!
5 December 2023 - ForestPressRepresenting more than 15 milion European Forest Owners - women, men, families of different ages, cultures, social backgrounds, histories, values and interest, CEPF has launched a comprehensive manifesto outlining their achievements, vision, and commitments, while articulating key requests for the upcoming European mandate.- News
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Adoption of new start dates for EU Deforestation Regulation’s implementation (ForestPress)
18 December 2024 Both Council and Parliament have adopted the amending Regulation to the EU deforestation regulation (EUDR), extending the start dates for implementation.- News
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Wolves Reclassified: Bern Convention Adopts EU Proposal for Downlisting
December 3, 2024 - cic-wildlife.orgSTRASBOURG, 3 December 2024 – The Standing Committee of the Bern Convention voted in favour of the EU proposal to downlist the wolf from “strictly protected” (Appendix II) to “protected” (Appendix III).- News
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CIC and EU Hunting Directors Unite in Budapest to Drive Conservation Action (ForestPress)
Budapest, 26 September 2024 – The International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) convened its Council and Executive Committee meeting this week, coinciding with a meeting with EU Hunting Directors in Budapest.- News
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Hungary’s first refrigerated forest seed storage facility was handed over
By: STA Date: 2024. 10. 10. 11:02 On the one hand, forests are a solution to climate change, but on the other hand, they suffer its effects.- News
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