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As the Linking Directive for lCERs tCERs is not yet in place, the Bagepalli CDM Reforestation Programme is not able to go to the market in a conventional manner for selling our VERs/ lCERs.

Thus we are launching a public call to interested parties to purchase the VERs/ lCERs from our project.

The PDD is done and currently undergoing validation with SGS.

The project applies AR-AM0001 for carbon sequestration through dry land horticulture. The project is designed to meet the Millenium goals of conservation of biodiversity, prevention of desertification, removal of poverty and eco-system restoration. The local social benefits and the stakeholder participation process which has gone into designing and planning this programme are also documented, for which we are also seeking CCB validation of the additional benefits.

The expected emissions reductions are 6.9 tonnes of CO2e per hectare per year.  The cost per hectare for this programme is 2000 USD.

In the strategic plan we suggest that we are most keen to develop a certain minimum size of project with VERs, in anticipation of the full blown CDM project. The VERs will get converted to lCERs once the linking Directive is in place.

The size of the VER project which we envisage is 49,146,000 Indian Rs in this phase, which at a  current exchange rate of 57 Indian Rs/Euro is  862,210 Euros.

This will finance 600 ha of Dry Land Horticulture and generate 124 200 VERs/lCERs over the 30 year crediting period. So the VER/lCER price would be 9.66 USD per tonne CO2. 15% needs to be added for CER India Pvt Ltd. for monitoring costs over the 30 year period.

Any interested party who wishes to move further with this project may email us so that we can send the strategic plan and the PDD.

Warm regards

Anandi Sharan-Meili
CER India Pvt. Ltd
32/2 Kempapura Road
Bangalore 560024
+91 80 23624546
+91 9448034562

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