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Rural development working conference in Budapest

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Confédération Européenne des Propriétaires Forestiers
Confederation of European Forest Owners
Zentralverband der Europäischen Waldbesitzer

Brussels, August 24th 2006

Invitation to the rural development working conference
on September 21st /22nd 2006 in Budapest

Dear Colleague,

The year 2006 is a decisive one in terms of EU rural development programming for the period 2007-2013 and lobbying at national level.

CEPF actively promoted the need for appropriate forestry measures in the development of the Rural Development regulation post 2007. The intention is now to follow up on this work close to the termination of the programming on national level. It is about time to discuss the different experiences and lesson learnt on national level to the benefit of family forest owners across Europe.

Therefore we would like to invite you to the CEPF conference co-financed by the European Commission, DG Agriculture, to be held in Budapest on September 21st and 22nd 2006 on:

” Forestry in the future CAP/rural development policy – from policy to practice - Exchange of national experiences with view to the implementation of forestry measures”,

to represent your country administration concerned with this issue.

We expect representatives from family forest owner organisations and national rural development (RD) administrations from some 26 EU and acceding countries. 

Forest owners are rural actors and their role for a long-term sustainable development of rural areas is more and more recognised by decision makers. There is a need for capacity building and information exchange for forest owners and concerned administration staff on the upcoming CAP RD regulation; on its national implementation plans and priorities to participate effectively on all levels of the national RD programme setting processes.

To facilitate this, the above specified conference shall be organised on September 21st and 22nd 2006 in Budapest (FAOSEUR, Benczur 34, H-1068 Budapest). 

The Conference aims at:
Exchange of already existing experiences in the different Member States on their national RD programme development,
Development of position papers on the national RD programmes or/and the elaboration of new proposals to be put up for debating and incorporating into the national RD programme drafts,
Capacity building of major CAP RD stakeholder representatives, such as private family forest owners and national RD administration on the application of the CAP RD regulation,
Promotion of the upcoming EU RD model reflecting its diversity in implementation,
Highlighting the development of national implementation solutions to the EU institutions,
Bring the forest based sector closer to the decision maker on EU and national levels.
Enhance CEPF networking in a priority policy domain of its acting and increase hereby the information level on RD programming in EU accession countries.

Please note that the conference language is English without translation.

We have to inform further that costs born in connection with your or your colleagues’ participation unfortunately can not be financed or financially supported by the organisers. However, if this should be the major burden to the participation of your organization, please contact the secretariat to explore possibilities of a solution.

There is a group reservation made in a proper hotel nearby to the venue to a reasonable price by the organizers. Attached you will fine the hotel reservation form and the costs of catering organized by us. Please mark the services you would like to have.
Please note, that the deadline for the hotel reservation with the specified conditions is 08.09.2006. You are kindly asked to send back the reservation directly to the hotel with the requested information with a copy to us as soon as possible within deadline. After, these specified conditions or the hotel availability can not be guaranteed.

For the ones arriving by plane the airport minibus service with a two way ticket is recommended to be used to get into the hotel (costs: 3.900 HUF paid in cash or by credit card - ).
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this.

Please send us back your confirmations and a copy of your hotel reservation as soon as possible to the following contacts:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  .

Thank you, we are waiting for your answers.

With very best regards,

Natalie Hufnagl
Secretary General 


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