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Business as unusual

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The Supporting Entrepreneurs for Environment and Development (Seed)
Initiative calls for proposals from locally driven, partnerships that
promote economic growth, social development, and environmental
stewardship for the second round of its biennial award. Applications for
the award are due to the Seed Secretariat no later than October 15,

Further details are available online at

The Seed Award is a global competition designed to publicly recognize
and support "business as unusual" - innovative, entrepreneurial
partnerships that promote economic growth, social development and
environmental stewardship. Through the provision of targeted services,
support, training and exposure to additional networks, the Seed
Initiative helps winners bring their initiatives to fruition.
The Seed Initiative, established at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable
Development, promotes the important contributions local entrepreneurial
partnerships are making towards achieving the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.

The initiative is itself a partnership between international
organizations (IUCN - The World Conservation Union, UNEP and UNDP),
governments (Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, the United Kingdom,
and the United States) and the private sector (Swiss Re), in
collaboration with the UN Global Compact and Global Giving.

The Seed Award recognizes and rewards two levels of winners: ten
finalists who will receive support through capacity development
activities and networking opportunities, and five award winners,
selected from the finalists, who will receive the full 'Seed Award' that
includes up to 12 months of targeted support services such as business
development counseling, technical assistance in financial planning, or
using the Seed network of international organizations, governments, and
private companies to help their initiative scale up.
The finalists will be announced in the late fall of 2006 with the
winners announced at a ceremony during the 15th Session of the UN
Commission on Sustainable Development in New York, May 2007.

Application forms can be filled in online or downloaded from the Seed
Initiative website at If you are unable to submit your
application electronically, please call the Seed Awards Hotline at +49
30 - 89 000 68 99.
Early submission is highly recommended as this may allow initial
feedback to be given to help applicants improve their proposal. Only
submissions received by the deadline will be considered.

Further details are available from the Seed Initiative website

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