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The Social Ecology of Tropical Forests: Migration, Populations and Frontiers

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Wil de Jong, Lye Tuck-Po and Ken-ichi Abe (eds).

The 13 chapters in this book from Southeast Asia, the Amazon basin, and Sub-Saharan Africa analyze what happens to the people who migrate to tropical forests, inside the forest or out of the forest, as well as to the people who live in tropical forests and who have to put up with new migrants. Three chapters in the book provide regional overviews for Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America. Case study chapters focus on historical links to contemporary issues, such as the impact of the slave trade, or cocoa exploitation in Ghana, on Sub-Saharan African forests and communities. Two Asia chapters assess pre-colonial and colonial territorial politics and the role of migrants and resources exploitation therein. Three chapters tell in detail the fate of modern forest migrants and residents in Vietnam's Central Highlands, Indonesia's Eastern Kalimantan and Bugees settlers who relocated in large numbers to the harsh peat-land environments of Sumatra since the 1970s. The chapters on Latin America show the many variations of migration related to modern and historical rubber and Brazil nut exploitation, and in response to Andean land scarcity or various government land development policies.

Together the chapters tell a compelling story of forest residents and migrants and what happens to them when they move in large numbers to tropical forests; a story that goes much beyond the linking of migration and deforestation trends mostly emphasized in recent literature.

More info on the volume is available at

Table of chapters

1 Migration and the Social Ecology of Tropical Forests
Wil de Jong, Lye Tuck-Po and Abe Ken-ichi

2 Migrant Characteristics and Land-Use/Land-Cover Change in the
Pan-Amazon Basin: A Comparative Analysis of Brazil, Bolivia,
Ecuador and Perú Stephen G. Perz

3 Models of Migration in the Peruvian Amazon and their Impact on
Tropical Forests Luis Limachi, Wil de Jong and Carlos Cornejo

4 Forest Product Extraction, Migration and Deforestation in the
Northern Bolivian Amazon Víctor Eduardo Llanque Zonta

5 Migration and Forests: An Overview from Africa Philip N. Bradley

6 Migrations, Frontiers and the Forest Margin in South-western Ghana
Emmanuel Acheampong

7 Spatial Shifts and Migration Time Scales among the Baka Pygmies
of Cameroon and the Punan of Borneo Edmond Dounias and
Christian Leclerc

8 An Overview of Migration and Deforestation in Southeast Asia:
1880 to 2002 Lesley Potter

9 Commodities, Culture and Migration in Early Modern Sumatra, the
Malay Peninsula and Borneo Leonard Y. Andaya

10 Migration and Tropical Forests in the Central Highlands of Vietnam
Tran Van Con

11 Movements, Social Entitlements, and Economic Fortunes in the
Forests of the Interior of Borneo Cristina Eghenter

12 We Come to Grow Coconuts, but Not to Stay: Temporary
Migrations into the Peat Swamp Forests of Sumatra Abe Ken-ichi

13 Conclusions Wil de Jong, Lye Tuck-Po and Abe Ken-ichi

Submitted by
Wil de Jong
Center for Integrated Area Studies (CIAS)
Kyoto University
Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku
Kyoto, Japan 606-8501
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