Dear member,
This is a final reminder that by May 31 we will close the lists for the
Non-responders and those that reply that they no longer are able to
serve on the team will be removed from the communication lists after that
date. In the event that for some reason you will not be able to reply by
the deadline, we will be glad to put you back on the list of team members.
If you are continuing as a team member, please indicate if you were
officially nominated by your country or not. We very much appreciate all
members equally. This information is meant for internal use in the
secretariat only, will not be posted to the website, and it is to respond
to a request of some countries (and endorsed by the COFFI-EFC bureaux) to
be able to distinguish officially nominated vs. invited participants in
case of need.
Attached you can find the list as it is today, May 28, 2014. If you are
not present on the list and you wish to continue your participation with
the ToS on Forest Communication, please say so by the May 31 deadline.
Please, note that this message is sent to all the members present in our
current list, thus if you have been officially nominated by your country,
or have already replied, ignore this communication.
We look forward to your response.
With best regards,
Paolo Cravero
Dear member,
As we are about to close the lists for the ToS by the end of the current
month, we are asking members to reply to the message below, which was
firstly sent out a month ago. Non-responders and those that reply that
they no longer are able to serve on the team will be removed from the
communication lists after May 31.
Please note that this message is sent to all the members present in our
current list, thus if you have been officially nominated by your country,
or have already replied, please ignore this communication.
We look forward to your response.
With best regards,
Paolo Cravero
Dear member,
According to our records you have been a member of the UNECE/FAO Team of
Specialist (ToS) on Forest Communication during the previous programme of
work 2008-2013. As the new programme of work is now starting, we are
updating the ToS lists. Therefore we kindly ask you to confirm your
interest to continue the work with your team in the new programme of work
Please confirm your interest by replying to this e-mail by 15 April 2014.
Non responders and those that reply that they no longer are able to serve
on the team will be removed from the communication lists after this date.
In the event that for some reason you were unable to reply by 15 April, we
will be glad to put you back on the list of team members.
If you are continuing as a team member, please indicate if you were
officially nominated by your country or not. We very much appreciate all
members equally. This information is meant for internal use in the
secretariat only, will not be posted to the website, and it is to respond
to a request of some countries (and endorsed by the COFFI-EFC bureaux) to
be able to distinguish officially nominated vs. invited participants in
case of need.
All teams have new terms of reference and guidelines, which are available
With best regards,
UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section
Communications Officer
Forestry and Timber Section
UN Economic Commission for Europe
Food and Agriculture Organization
UNECE Trade and Sustainable Land Management Division,
Office 456, Palais des Nations, CH 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
phone: (+41) 22 - 917 2477 - fax: (+41) 22 - 917 0107
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.